Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1500: Very cute right

Instead of waiting for Wen Muyan to get out of the car as usual, she carefully pulled her out of the car gently and gently, instead she opened the car and walked quickly towards the entrance of the majestic villa...

Wen Muyan sat in the car, sighed softly, and got out of the car.

Xia Mingxiu was standing on the porch. The double doors of the villa were opened to welcome VIP guests. The servants in black and white maid uniforms extended from the porch to the inside of the villa. Outside the porch, a few steps away from Xia Mingxiu, dressed The middle-aged man in a black tuxedo and a black bow tie bowed his head and stood aside respectfully.

Seeing Yuan Yao approaching, her waist bends several degrees.

"How will you be here?!"

Yuan Yao's eyes were dyed with anger, staring at Xia Mingxiu, her tone of disgust.

Xia Mingxiu squinted his black eyes slightly, and saw Wen Muyan walking slowly alone not far away, and then put his eyes on Yuan Yao's small face that was flushed with anger.

The corners of the lips are hooked, the long eyebrows are raised slightly, and the tone is naturally provocative.

"I'm not your punching bag. Don't let the anger you suffer from other men come out of me. It seems that you, the most important man in your life, are just a common man. In the end, you still have to break out. Up?"

Yuan Yao clenched her fists tightly, wishing to smash a bite of her silver teeth, and even wishing to make the man with the cheapest mouth in front of him make dumplings!

The thief shouts to catch the thief!

Obviously because of him, he is the culprit!

"I never expected him to be a banished immortal in the nine heavens, he is so much better than someone!"

Yuan Yao almost squeezed such a sentence from between her teeth. She should have said it happily, but when the words were spoken, even she herself felt a toothache.

The anger in her heart was deeper, and she didn't care what kind of expression Xia Mingxiu was at the moment, so she rushed into the villa and shouted:

"Where is my room?!"

A servant immediately stepped forward and said respectfully: "Miss Yuan, please come with me."


Yuan Yao carried her skirt and followed the servant, and her ten-inch silver high heels stepped heavily on the ground, trying to vent her anger and make some noise.

However, it was her feet that suffered in the end.

Because the ground is covered with thick Persian carpets.

"Why do you want to lay carpets in summer?!"

Wen Muyan walked to the entrance, and at the oblique corner of the door saw Yuan Yao carrying the skirt and following the servant into the elevator. The room still echoed with her angry voice.

The corners of his lips twitched slightly, and he raised his eyes to look at Xia Mingxiu, who was standing silently, with a gloomy expression.

Wen Muyan's eyebrows and smiles were polite and estranged, "Sorry, Mr. Xia, Yao likes to stamp her feet when she loses her temper and makes a noise. There is a'venting area' specially opened for her in the living room at home. It is naive, but also very naive. Isn’t it cute? In fact, besides venting, her favorite thing is to let people pay attention to her! She is an orphan and has always been eager to be concerned about her. She is always easily satisfied."

Xia Mingxiu's hands in his suit trouser pockets gradually clenched into fists.

In Wen Muyan's soft words, everywhere he showed his pampering and conniving towards Yuan Yao.

But the deep meaning of this sentence is actually accusing him of Yuan Yao who is so simple and easily satisfied, but he forced her to hate him back then.

Xia Mingxiu snorted inwardly, but smiled gently and decently on the surface.

"Just because of her temper, you will spoil her one day. Since there is something wrong with her, don't just indulge it. If you can change it, then you can suppress it. If you can't, she loses your sense of proportion!"

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