Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1501: Cautious and stingy man

"Just because of her temper, you will spoil her one day. Since there is something wrong with her, don't just indulge it. If you can change it, then you can suppress it. If you can't, she loses your sense of proportion!"

Wen Muyan frowned, and gradually faded with a somewhat alienated smile.

"Yuan Yao, will never go out of my life. She deserves my unconditional indulgence."

Xia Mingxiu narrowed his eyes and smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth.

"Really? That is really her blessing."

Obviously it was a clear and faint expression, but the smile seemed to be as sharp as a knife.

Wen Muyan never allowed himself to relax in front of Xia Mingxiu.

He knew that this was a dangerous man, and he could not figure out his true strength.

However, as long as Yuan Yao is involved, even if the opponent is just an unknown rat, it is also the most powerful enemy.

Wen Muyan did not speak any more, just nodded.

"It's getting late, Mr. Wen, rest early."

Xia Mingxiu spoke first, and did not plan to chat with him more.

Wen Muyan turned his eyes to look at the villa in front of him, and curled his lips, "I believe Yao will be very satisfied with Mr. Xia's arrangement."

"Really? That's great."

Xia Mingxiu spoke indifferently, turned to the side, and the middle-aged butler in a tuxedo immediately greeted him and invited Wen Muyan to the villa.

I also took the elevator and reached the third floor of the villa.

"Where is Miss Yuan's room?"

Without Xia Mingxiu, Wen Muyan's voice was not cold at all.

The butler immediately responded, "Ms. Yuan's room needs to bypass the terrace, in the north room.

Wen Muyan snorted coldly, his room is just south.

Xia Mingxiu was really a cautious and stingy man.

Taking Wen Muyan to his room, the butler stood at the door and respectfully said: "Mr. Wen has a good rest. I will arrange a servant on duty at night outside the door. Feel free if Mr. Wen has instructions."

"En." Wen Muyan glanced lightly at the layout of the room, not only the decoration, but even the furnishings in the room are the most luxurious and expensive things.

He understands the persistence and arrogance of a man in front of his rivals.

Xia Mingxiu is really not so deep in the city.

Arrange him and Yuan Yao in this manor at the same time.

On the surface, it is to give them a correspondingly safe and relatively private place.

The reason is official and impeccable,

However, Yuan Yao was under his control all the time, and Xia Mingxiu would not lose any trace of her every move.

However, besides him, Xia Mingxiu also put pressure on him everywhere, letting him understand that he is not a bottomless man who is easy to get along with and can just touch the line of defense.

He may not get what he wants.

In this way, he lives here, fearing that the subtle things Xia Mingxiu gave him will actually seep into her bone marrow blood unknowingly one day.

Heh, with him, I have played my mental tactics.

Seeing that Wen Muyan stopped talking, the housekeeper planned to quit, but as soon as he walked to the door, Wen Muyan suddenly spoke up.

"Oh, yes, please bring me a cup of hot milk."

The housekeeper paused, "Okay, Mr. Wen wait a moment."

Wen Muyan watched the housekeeper leave with a servant at the door, and his eyebrows moved slightly.


When the servant came up with milk, Wen Muyan stood on the large terrace that divides the north and south rooms. The design of the villa is very impressive. The domestic architectural design agrees to the floor height of 2.9 meters, and the duplex floors are generally 4.5 meters. The floor height is now almost the same as the height of the duplex.

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