Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1509: perturbed

Yuan Yao was nervous for no reason. For Xia Mingxiu's change, she really couldn't guess what he was thinking.

"Yuan Yao..." Xia Mingxiu's eyebrows were calm, his tone was light, and he was abnormally calm.

Yuan Yao's nerves tightened instantly,

The more calm Xia Mingxiu is, the more proof that he is more dangerous.

Yuan Yao looked at him vigilantly, uneasy in her brows and eyes.

But Xia Mingxiu, who had always hoped to see Yuan Yao's expression most, did not move his eyes.

Yuan Yao's heart became more disturbed.

"What are you trying to say?!" Yuan Yao didn't have so much energy to consume him, a faint anger arose between her eyebrows, and she was about to leave against the wall.

Xia Mingxiu's arm suddenly propped against the wall, blocking her way,

"Just..." Xia Mingxiu paused, this time even he frowned, the anxiety and anxiety in his heart actually made him afraid and open his mouth.

Yuan Yao looked impatient.

Xia Mingxiu's Adam's apple moved and slowly spoke.

"Who is Wen Qian?"

Yuan Yao's body stiffened, she suddenly raised her head, and rushed into Xia Mingxiu's quiet and deep eyes.

"Who is Wen Qian?"

Xia Mingxiu immediately asked again. Seeing Yuan Yao's attitude when he heard this question, his body became stiff involuntarily.

In five years, she obviously avoided him for five years.

He thought, if it wasn't for the news that he dug into her, 0

Forcing her to come back, Yuan Yao may never come back in her life.

But she came back so easily, and came back without any resistance.


She is Yuan Yao, Yuan Yao who is stubborn and can't pull back ten cows.

How could it be possible to come back without any resistance at all!

He also prepared a lot of later moves, and prepared a lot of later moves that she swore to the death to resist in England, and refused to come back obediently and force her to submit.

But he has made enough preparations, and everything seems to have not started yet, she has returned without the slightest resistance? !


Speaking of it, he hasn’t even found out her specific life in the UK.

Why did she go to Fu Ti Lan College, what happened to her in the five years in the UK, and what happened to Wen Muyan? He hasn't found anything yet!

A bright light suddenly flashed through Xia Mingxiu's mind. He tightly grasped Yuan Yao's wrist, raised her wrist and pulled her into his arms.

"Yuan Yao, are you playing tricks with me?"

Yuan Yao's heart was beating wildly, and she almost burst out of her chest.

"I don't know what you are going crazy again?! Why should I bother with you."

"Then why did you choose to come back without resistance?!" An aggressive tone loudly clamored Yuan Yao's eardrums.

Yuan Yao shrank her shoulders in shock by his sudden anger, her eyelashes trembled slightly, and the hearts of the people who looked at it twitched with frequency.

She looked at the terrace where she had just stood not far away, but she still hadn't seen any obvious monitoring equipment, but she was sure that there must be.

How could Xia Mingxiu want those cheap and impractical tools?

He must have heard it and heard all the conversation between him and Wen Muyan.

Otherwise, how could he suddenly mention who Wen Qian is?

"Answer me!" Xia Mingxiu almost ran out of patience.

Yuan Yao swallowed hard, then raised her head and said slowly:

"No why? I just don't bother to spend my energy dealing with you. "Queen" will eventually hit the Chinese market one day, and I will come back sooner or later. It's just a matter of time."

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