Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1510: Make a break

"No why? I just don't bother to spend my energy dealing with you. "Queen" will eventually hit the Chinese market one day, and I will come back sooner or later. It's just a matter of time."

"Xia Mingxiu, I don’t have any other skills in Yuan Yao, but I grew up watching people’s faces when I was young. Five years ago, I thought I knew you enough. If I resist in the UK, you will use more detrimental tricks to force me. Come back. Didn't you want me to come back? So I am back, come back and have a break with you!"

"You save me, remember me every day!"

Xia Mingxiu looked at Yuan Yao, her face still calm, her eyes still making Yuan Yao nervous.

"...You said it? How are you going to do it with me?"

Yuan Yao didn't want to look at Xia Mingxiu's indifferent expression. She really despised herself. It was clearly the thing she wanted most.

"Yes, cut it off. In fact, it just let you let me go. I don't think there is any inextricable involvement between us. If you think I really owe you something, say your terms, Mr. Xia, I will compensate you."

As soon as Yuan Yao's words fell, Xia Mingxiu suddenly laughed, and at the same time he retracted his hand. The long figure stood straight in front of Yuan Yao, looking at Yuan Yao condescendingly, with her clean and delicate long eyebrows slightly raised.

"You're right, you really should make a break. But..." Xia Mingxiu paused, and the corners of his lips were full of irony, "Are you sure, did we break?"

Yuan Yao's heart sank suddenly, and the palms on both sides involuntarily clenched together.

"What do you mean by this?"

What do you mean?

Why does he say such strange things?

Does he know something?

Seeing Yuan Yao's reaction, Xia Mingxiu's eyes narrowed.

"It really have something to hide from me, Yuan Yao!"

A panic flashed in Yuan Yao's eyes, and she couldn't help getting closer to the cold wall behind her.

"What am I hiding from you? Why do you know everything about me? Don't be so yin and yang. After the two-month publicity period, I will leave immediately after two months! Mr. Xia, happy cooperation!"

After Yuan Yao finished speaking, she turned around in a panic and ran towards her room.

Xia Mingxiu looked at Yuan Yao's sprinting figure, her white dress was fluttering, like a butterfly that just broke free from a spider's web.

Make a break?

Yuan Yao, there are some things, but you can never make a decision!

With a cold snort, Xia Mingxiu once again stretched out his hand to caress the wound on the corner of his lips, lowered his eyebrows, removed the streamer in his eyes, and turned away.

Yuan Yao rushed back to her room and slammed the door shut.

Her chest was up and down violently. She leaned against the door for a long time, and finally seemed to remember something. She rushed to the coffee table and picked up her mobile phone. The screen of the mobile phone just turned on.

But she let go like a hot potato, and the phone suddenly fell on the carpet.

Afterwards, the whole person seemed to be crazy, looking for something around the room, the wine on the wine rack, decorative vases, lighting, plant pots, everything in the living room...

Most of them were overturned by her!

The price of everything in this room is ridiculously expensive, and Yuan Yao suddenly went crazy like this, scaring a house of servants at a loss.

"Miss Yuan, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you looking for something? Please tell us, and we will help you find it?"


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