Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1518: You deliberately!

That's nothing to be embarrassed. The skirt is fluttering, because the skirts flew up in the two circles before the fall. When they landed, the skirts were scattered around Yuan Yao's body. I don't know. I thought it was. I'm dancing that kind of modern dance drama.

But Xia Mingxiu knew that she was not dancing, especially when she lifted up that "national treasure face", the scene was even more uncontrollable.


Xia Mingxiu laughed unceremoniously, and the ridicule was particularly obvious.

Yuan Yao’s sensitivity to Xia Mingxiu has almost reached the point of abnormality. That low ridicule infinitely expanded in Yuan Yao’s ears, so noisy she was almost annoying.

Her buttocks were so painful that she frowned. Yuan Yao suddenly thought of something and looked down at the ground.

Immediately raged!

"Where's the carpet?! There was a carpet yesterday!"

Now, where is the carpet in this whole living room? !

"Don't you like stomping to make noise? Knowing that you have a bad temper, in order to make it easier for you to vent, so...withdraw..."

Xia Mingxiu paused intentionally when he said "so", how did Yuan Yao hear this strong irony!

"Xia Mingxiu, you did it on purpose!!"

"Wrong! You are the one who insisted on robbing me. I didn't force you, and it was useless to use aggressive methods. Second, I didn't sprinkle water under your feet and deliberately framed you, so I opened my mouth and shut my mouth and poured dirty water on me. "

"Because you are a sinister and despicable villain, do you need others to pour dirty water?"

Xia Mingxiu's face sank, and he glanced at her coldly.


After leaving a cold word, Xia Mingxiu lifted his foot and left.

Yuan Yao was dead, took off the slippers on her feet and threw them at Xia Mingxiu's body.

Not surprisingly, Xia Mingxiu had just walked two steps, and his slippers hit his waist.

Xia Mingxiu paused, turned and looked at her gloomily, who was still sitting on the ground.

"What do you look at?! You deserve it!"

Xia Mingxiu turned his steps, bent over and picked up the slippers that fell under his feet, and walked towards Yuan Yao.

"What's wrong? Why sit on the ground!"

When Wen Muyan came out of the restaurant, he saw Yuan Yao sitting on the ground with a slipper on one foot, while the other slipper was held by Xia Mingxiu.

The eyebrows moved imperceptibly, but the person still walked towards Yuan Yao, "Can you stand up?"

Xia Mingxiu sinks her eyebrows, walks to Yuan Yao's side first, and pulls Yuan Yao up from the ground. The movements did not show any gentleness. With some brute force, Yuan Yao habitually threw herself into Xia Mingxiu's arms.

Wen Muyan paused and pursed his lips, "How is it, did you fall where?"

Yuan Yao touched her sore nose, her sore tears fell.

"Xia Mingxiu, you said you didn't mean it..."

Yuan Yao rubbed her sour nose, and her tears slid down the dried black mask mud. Xia Mingxiu who looked at it directly pulled the corners of her lips in disgust.


With a low voice of disgust, Yuan Yao glared at him and ignored her, bent over, and threw the shoes in her hands to Yuan Yao's feet.

"Put it on, go up and wash your face! After a while your costumer will come, I guess you won't have that good fortune!"

Yuan Yao didn't move, her face was silently buried on Xia Mingxiu's chest, rubbing like a cat.


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