Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1519: The woman who has been looking for five years

"Put it on, go up and wash your face! After a while your costumer will come, I guess you won't have that good fortune!"

Yuan Yao didn't move, her face was silently buried on Xia Mingxiu's chest, rubbing like a cat.

Xia Mingxiu's waist bends a little more, and he patted her leg, "lift your foot!"

Yuan Yao said, even in the end Xia Mingxiu grabbed her leg and stuffed her foot into the slippers. She still muffled in his arms and said, "Thank you..."

Xia Mingxiu felt that it was going to rain red, so she could count it. Did Yuan Yao tell him the word "thank you"?

Just now he looked like he was arrogant, how old is it now that I know to say thank you?

Wen Muyan stood not far away, with a smile on his face, and shook his head helplessly.

"Then what, I'll go upstairs first!"

As soon as Yuan Yao turned around, he heard Xia Mingxiu's gritted teeth roaring through the entire villa before he even started.

"Yuan Yao!"

The collar of the white shirt on his chest, and the suit, are all the black mask mud applied to Yuan Yao's face.

He knew how this **** woman could become obedient for no reason!

Yuan Yao clutched her nose and hurried away, but just two steps before her was the spiral staircase designed in the center of the villa. Yuan Yao didn't pay attention, and with a "boom", her whole face hit the railing of the stairs.

After hearing a cry of "Ah", Yuan Yao squatted on the ground holding her forehead, screaming in pain.

"Ah!! It hurts to death!!"

"Yao!!!" Wen Muyan shouted in surprise!

A panic flashed in Xia Mingxiu's deep eyes. The two of them just walked to her, but they saw Yuan Yao suddenly standing up from the ground, seeing the stairs in front of her, raising her foot angrily and taking off the slippers Xia Mingxiu had just put on her. "Papa Papa" waved on the railing of the spiral staircase.

Finally, he threw the slippers on the railing, turned his head and stared at Xia Mingxiu fiercely, tears streaming down his eyes.

Xia Mingxiu pursed her lips, stretched out her hand to hold Yuan Yao's hand covering her forehead, and whispered, "Let me see, is it all right?"

Yuan Yao bit her lip and waved his hand away with red eyes, "Go away! I knew it would be fine to mix with you!"

"Yao! Your forehead is swollen, don't be capricious, can I take you upstairs first?"

Wen Muyan stepped forward, put Yuan Yaohuan in his arms, and coaxed her distressedly in a low voice.

Yuan Yao sniffed and nodded at Wen Muyan.

"Mr. Xia, can you please call the doctor over?"

Xia Mingxiu looked at the woman who was obediently leaning against Wen Muyan’s arms, curled her eyebrows, pressed her lips and nodded.

Wen Muyan thanked him and walked past him with his arms around Yuan Yao.

"Is it painful?"

"Well, is there bleeding?"

"not at all……"

The voice of the two people's dialogue reached Xia Mingxiu's ears. The man's voice was low and soft, and the woman's voice was aggrieved and clear nasal. He did not turn around, but his handsome face was gloomy and looked terrifying.

The housekeeper had been standing not far away, looking at Xia Mingxiu, he didn't dare to step forward.

Although I don't know what's going on, but only for one night, everyone in this manor knows that their not-so-female master is special to this Miss Yuan.

It's no longer a secret for President Xia to find a woman in Kyoto in five years.

Miss Yuan came back from abroad for the same five years, and President Xia’s attitude towards Miss Yuan is obviously extremely unique. You must know that other women will never be close to a place within two meters of President Xia, let alone , Xia always took the initiative to let a woman live in the house.

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