Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1557: pain……

For whom did he live for five years, and finally tried his best to get her back like a fool, but she said she wanted to marry another man? !

What she needs now is his heartache?

He feels distressed, can she appreciate it again?

Why did she have such a hard heart when facing him alone?

He half-armed Yuan Yao, and threw Yuan Yao onto the bed behind the two people.

Yuan Yao was about to get up in a hurry, but was suppressed in time by Xia Mingxiu's strong body.

The gloomy handsome face full of anger enlarged infinitely, and Yuan Yao was startled and angry.

"Xia Mingxiu, what are you going to do? Are you crazy?!"

Xia Mingxiu snorted coldly and bullied herself up, "Yes, I'm crazy, I've been driven crazy by you!"

"You... what are you going to do..."

Yuan Yao's voice was full of fear and tremors, her body was constantly rubbing back, twisting her body with vigilance and horror.

Finally burst into tears, "Xia Mingxiu, don't do this..."

Xia Mingxiu's eyes were red, and he was holding a bandage prepared by the servant in advance. At this time, Yuan Yao's hands were pressed on top of her head, the bandages were wrapped around her, and finally a knot was firmly tied. .

"Don't do this, don't do this..."

Yuan Yao was terrified. She had never experienced anything like this before.

She and I never thought that Xia Mingxiu, who had lost her mind, would be crazy to this point.

How could he, such a self-proclaimed man who is humble, and such a man who is so stubborn, do such a thing? !

"Yuan Yao, don't you really know how to compromise with me? What happens if you just say a few words that make me happy, eh? You will only be stubborn with me in your life, and you will only fight with me fiercely, right? What good is it for you? Ah?! Not only will you not judge the situation, you will always know how to make me more angry!"

"I do not have……"

Yuan Yao couldn't help the grievance and sourness in her heart anymore, her tears were like broken beads and could not be stopped.

"Are you trying to subdue me? Huh?"

Yuan Yao nodded and nodded vigorously.

"You let me go, let me go..."

Xia Mingxiu's teeth were bitten to death, and his eyes burst out with a colder light.

"I won't let you go, never!"

There was a cracking sound, and the shawl on Yuan Yao's body was shattered.

"No! Xia Mingxiu, please--"

"Please what?"

"Don't do this to me, don't do this..."

Xia Mingxiu sneered and looked down at Yuan Yao's beautiful face that was flushed with anger from fear. There was no warmth in her eyes.

"Don't let me do this to you, who do you want to do to you? Wen Muyan?"


Yuan Yao moved her lips, but Xia Mingxiu did not give her a chance to speak.

"You better show me something! Yuan Yao, you have to know that there is nothing I can't do for you! I don't care how precious Wen Muyan's status in the UK is! But he is in my comprehension now! Force me, I'm not sure I will let him return to England intact!!"

"You are really crazy..."

Xia Mingxiu tugged at the corners of her lips, revealing a wicked smile.

"You can try, how crazy can I be for you!"

"He is the Duke, and his father is the first earl of England..."

"But he is nothing in China! He didn't enter Kyoto as a British Duke! Someone wanted to stumble him, enough to kill him 11 million times!"


Xia Mingxiu smiled and shook his head, "Yuan Yao, you are too naive!"

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