Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1558: Silence equals default

Xia Mingxiu smiled and shook his head, "Yuan Yao, you are too naive!"

"Please... don't do this..."

Xia Mingxiu's teeth suddenly made a gnashing sound.

"Please? For Wen Muyan?"

His voice was too gloomy and terrifying, Yuan Yao's chest was up and down, her eyes were staring wide, and tears fell unconsciously.

But he bit his lip and said nothing.

The anger between Xia Mingxiu's eyebrows was even worse. The cold air permeating the room seemed to come from Xia Mingxiu's body. Every time Yuan Yao breathed, she felt that she would be overwhelmed by the cold air pressure inhaled in her lungs. Come.

This silence is a default at all times,

Yuan Yao is compromising with herself for Wen Muyan.

This recognition made Xia Mingxiu's anger rise every minute.

He suddenly pulled back the body of the woman who had already rubbed away from him, then stretched out his hand to pinch Yuan Yao's chin, lowered his head and kissed her lips firmly.

Yuan Yao twisted her body, trying her best to get rid of the man pressing on her.

Xia Mingxiu's hot hands rubbed Yuan Yao's body unorganizedly through the clothes, kneading == pinching.

When he realized that the clothes had become an obstacle, a sound of tearing the cloth sounded in the room.

"Xia Mingxiu!!"

Yuan Yao screamed in horror, trying to cover the bare skin on her body, and to prevent the humiliation he had done.

"Yuan Yao, you are too stubborn, you are too angry. Today, you have polished my patience!"

The rough kiss was pressed down again, and the torn clothes were pushed aside by him.

The black shirt on his body was ruffled and messy, and the delicate buttons were unfolded, revealing a white and strong chest. Accompanied by a clear metal sound with a "click", Yuan Yao's constantly struggling and twisting body suddenly stiffened...

Her almost stiff eyes slowly moved down his chest, and her godless eyes widened instantly.

"no, do not want……"

Yuan Yao screamed, shook her head, and tried her best to get rid of Xia Mingxiu's confinement.

Xia Mingxiu refused to let her go. With one hand and one leg, Yuan Yao separated the legs that Yuan Yao was trying to close tightly...

Five years later, this was the closest they even had to each other.

But it is such an unbearable situation.

It also completely shattered his little shameless thoughts in her heart.

The helplessness after the struggle made Yuan Yao completely limp on the bed.

She simply didn't move, lying straight under him, her dress already horrible.

She quietly looked at Xia Mingxiu, who had completely lost her mind, and her expression was surprisingly calm.

"Xia Mingxiu, after doing this, will you let me go and Mu Yan?"

The blue veins on Xia Mingxiu's forehead suddenly protruded.

He looked up into Yuan Yao's eyes, calm, desperate, and cold.

Apart from that, there is no warm mood.

Xia Mingxiu's eyes flashed with fury.

Yuan Yao said indifferently with a calm expression:

"If so..." Her eyes flashed with a humiliating light, and then slowly raised her legs, bit her lip and tremblingly climbed up to Xia Mingxiu's waist, "I can do it with you."

She owed Wen Muyan too much. She believed what Xia Mingxiu said just now, she really believed it.

Five years ago, Xia Mingxiu could be lawless, and five years later, he was even more clever.

If he really wanted to target Wen Muyan, since he could say such threats to her, it would definitely prove that he Xia Mingxiu must have such ability.

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