It's not just because she thought he would take her son away, he would hurt him because of revenge!

He Xia Mingxiu would never hurt his children because of mutual grievances, and he was sure that Yuan Yao would never think of him that way.

Then why was she so frightened when she learned that the child was taken away by him?

His eyes squinted again, and a lot of strange emotions flashed across the pupils, and his heart suddenly jumped, but he was quickly pressed down.

Over the past five years, he has had too many expectations...

"Miss Yuan..."

"Miss Yuan, where are you..."

"Miss Yuan..."

A few people shouting faintly came from the rain curtain behind him. Xia Mingxiu regained his consciousness and looked forward. This small road leading to the outer suburbs ushered in the nightfall, and the only light left was still visible. The rain that fell on the ground in front of me spreads a vast expanse of rain.

The shouts behind him were getting closer and Xia Mingxiu's dark eyes darkened. They were right. Yuan Yao didn't enter the city and walked alone on the only small road in the outer suburbs. With such heavy rain, she was so temperamental. , Will not hide from the rain!

Looking at the wild forest with a **** of about sixty degrees beside him, Xia Mingxiu's eyes grew gloomy.

This idiot, he took the child away, why not call him? !

How could she find the child on such a long road without any means of transportation? !

Yuan Yao, you'd better still have a little IQ, and be smarter and find a place to hide!

The light in front of him was getting darker and darker, and Xia Mingxiu's face became tighter.

"Can I trust you?"

"Can you get my mother back?"

"Although my mother is a fool, she is very important to me, do you understand?"

Xia Mingxiu was particularly impressed by the immature but worried voice of that little guy.

And after his promise, the little guy's trusting expression made Xia Mingxiu's heart a touch of strangeness at this moment.

His figure gradually stopped. Standing on the highway, Xia Mingxiu looked down at the grass and trees that were clearly crushed on the edge of the **** and the broken branches of low plants. The black eyes hidden in the dimness became even more dim.

Throwing the umbrella aside, took out the phone and turned on the flashlight, turned around, and slid down the wild forest beside the highway.

"Mr. Xia..."

There was an exclamation not far behind him, seeming to be surprised at Xia Mingxiu's actions.

This man has done too much to their Miss Yuan.

Below that, wild trees and weeds are overgrown, it is inevitable that we will encounter strange and poisonous insects, and unknown plants will cause unnecessary damage to the body, which is impossible to predict.

Xia Mingxiu's black suit became darker at this moment, and his whole body was instantly soaked.

"Get the car here!"

Facing the servant's suspicion, Xia Mingxiu didn't care, and gave a cold command, then bent over and followed the messy place wet by rain, looking for clues and walked into the darkness.


Yuan Yao indeed slipped down from here, now leaning against a wild apricot tree and crying lowly.

She calmed down slightly, now she is about to regret it.

She only wore a knee-length skirt today, and she didn't wear her face and shoes when she ran out. If she ran out with a pair of slippers, she would not accidentally get off the road because of the scum on the road. Fell off.


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