Now a pair of knees were worn out, and I only knew that there was a lot of blood at the beginning. Later, even the wound was washed by rain to reveal white flesh mixed with red blood.

Simply, the whole body was soaked with rain, and the whole body was cold, paralyzing the nerves of the body, except for a slight pain with paralysis, there was no feeling.

It's just that the soles of her feet are still aching, and the red marks and wounds on her legs and insteps all prove how embarrassed she is now.

Embarrassed, but how can he compare to the fear of losing his son.

Thinking of Yuan Wenqian still being injured in Xia Mingxiu, thinking of Xia Mingxiu's expression of knowing she secretly gave birth to a child, thinking of her son who had worked hard to protect her son for five years and returned home silently. When a father and son meet, she is almost crazy.

The tears in the eye sockets have been nearly two hours now, without breaking for a moment.

The dizzy and swelling, gradually darkening sky made Yuan Yao slowly close her eyes, holding her head in both hands, desperate and helpless.

"Yuan Yao, how could your life be so bloody. Why did you have to provoke that **** Xia Mingxiu in the first place! Yes, he is a bastard, a complete bastard..."

Yuan Yao was crying and muttering to herself, her anger at Xia Mingxiu, now that she has nothing left.

In this world, she is most afraid of facing things, the most heartache, the most frightening moment, she has already experienced it.

Except for losing Wen Qian, there won't be anything she is afraid of in this world.

That feeling is really painful.

I experienced it five years ago, and after five years, I was repeating it again.

She thought she would be able to compete with Xia Mingxiu in five years, but...

Those things Xia Mingxiu said were right. No one has been stagnant. She has grown up over the past five years. She is not the only one.

So, today, five years later, she still can't beat Xia Mingxiu.

He is always on his head.

Even God loves him so much, he is obviously a devil!

Yuan Yao's sanity was a little lax. She curled up under the trunk of the almond tree, hugged her body tightly with her hands, and muttered to herself.

"Xia Mingxiu, you bastard, devil, beast... bastard, devil, beast... bastard..."

"Do you only use these adjectives?"

A low-pitched voice rang out in front of her with a pant. Yuan Yao's body shook, she lifted her eyelids and watched the faintly bright light sway in front of her eyes, occasionally piercing her eyes, she closed it subconsciously. eye,

A long figure approached him with a chill, his shirt and cuffs dripping with water.

She raised her eyes with difficulty and saw that the man was spreading the suit in her arms and covering her body.

Yuan Yao's nose suddenly sore, a warm current slid in her heart, tears mixed with rain and fell unsatisfactory.

The familiar breath penetrated into her nose through the moisture of the rain. She hadn't reacted yet. The man had bent over and squatted beside him, took her shoulders, and brought her into his arms.

Then she heard a sound of relief.

"There is absolutely no other woman in this world who is as stupid as you."

Yuan Yao leaned against the man's chest, a familiar smell lingered in her nose, and the familiar voice awakened her instantly.

Without knowing where the strength came from, she suddenly lifted her head from the man's arms, her eyes widened to see that it was the bastard, the demon, the beast...

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