Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1641: I love you

"Xia Mingxiu, in this world, the people who are least qualified to say that others are delicate and can't stand the suffering are you dudes who were born with a golden spoon!"

Yuan Yao was mad, her face flushed with yelling.

Xia Mingxiu blinked and looked at Yuan Yao's indignant look, a little startled.

Is it because he speaks too unscrupulously in front of her, or Yuan Yao's mind is too sensitive.

Or, as long as he said, she would feel unpleasant and unpleasant?

Pursing her lips, Xia Mingxiu said indifferently, "Is it enough? Do you think these messy things are precious things in my eyes?"

"Why did I say enough? Isn't what I said right? Yes! These things are no different from garbage to you. I just said it wrong. But you don’t know what you don’t know about human suffering. It's called "Precautions before it happens, but it's true. If you don't believe me, you can have a good experience when you get there, and take a good look at what is meant by real human suffering!"

Yuan Yao said with excitement, her beautiful eyes turned red, as if she was about to cry.

Xia Mingxiu frowned and saw Yuan Yao's appearance. The anger that could not be suppressed just because of Yuan Yao's yelling was choked in his throat. speak out.

He pursed his lips, gave Yuan Yao a sideways glance, then turned his head, too lazy to argue with her again.

Seeing Xia Mingxiu's ignorance to her, Yuan Yao felt even more wronged.

He looks like she is an unreasonable shrew!

He snorted angrily, turned his head angrily, and stopped looking at Xia Mingxiu with his neck.

The province's eyes are out of sight and heart is out!

But at this moment, a harsh cell phone ringing suddenly rang in the bag of snacks.

Yuan Yao took out her small bag from the snack pile with anger, turned out her phone, sniffed, and slid the answer button.

"Hey, Mu Yan..."

Xia Mingxiu's eyebrows suddenly frowned.

"What! I can't hear what you are saying... Wait a minute... I use the hands-free..."

As Yuan Yao said, she took the phone from her ear and ordered the speakerphone.

"All right……"

Yuan Yao said loudly, "I am in a helicopter now, it is very noisy!"

Wen Muyan's familiar and gentle voice came out from the microphone steadily, "Why are you on the helicopter?"

Yuan Yao turned her head and glanced at Xia Mingxiu, only to find that he had already turned his head at the moment, squinting at her.

She immediately glared at her and turned her head, and said to the phone without the slightest ups and downs: "Oh, because I was injured at home for three more days, in order not to delay the filming process, the company sent a helicopter directly."

Wen Muyan smiled, "Very good idea, where is the little guy, is he home alone now?"


Wen Muyan paused and said, "Then I will speed up my side and go back to take care of him earlier."

In Yuan Yao's mind, Xia Mingxiu's instructions to Yuan Wenqian before leaving, the whole person felt inexplicably relieved of Yuan Wenqian.

"It doesn't matter, he is fine at home himself, there is nothing to worry about!"

"No, I'd better go back early, and don't worry if I see him with my own eyes." Wen Muyan seemed to be very persistent in this matter.

Yuan Yao helplessly said, "Well, as long as you like! You are always so worried! Me and him are spoiled by you!"

"Because I love you so much..."

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