Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1642: Wenqian is my son

Yuan Yao helplessly said, "Well, as long as you like! You are always so worried! Both me and him are spoiled by you!"

"Because I love you so much..."

Yuan Yao's face flushed suddenly, and she subconsciously turned her head and glanced at Xia Mingxiu, only to see that Xia Mingxiu's eyes looked more terrifying.

She quickly switched the hands-free over and stuck the phone to her ear.

"... Mu Yan, if nothing happens, then I will hang up first. The helicopter is noisy."

Later, I don't know what Wen Muyan said to Yuan Yao, Yuan Yao answered the phone a few times before hanging up.

Putting the phone in her bag, Yuan Yao glanced at Xia Mingxiu secretly from the corner of her eyes, and turned her head to the other side.

Deliberately ignore the perverted sight on the back of his head.

Xia Mingxiu has been holding back not to conflict with Yuan Yao because Yuan Yao just lost her temper to him inexplicably.

But when he heard Wen Muyan's words on the phone, the anger in his heart finally broke out after a few minutes of silence.

"Yuan Yao..."

He spoke lightly, Yuan Yao paused, frowned slightly, and turned to look at Xia Mingxiu.

"What are you doing?"

For an instant, she Hao Ran slammed into Xia Mingxiu's black and black eyes.

"Yuan Yao, Wen Qian is my son!"

Yuan Yao's head banged.

Her eyes widened involuntarily, and she looked terrified.

Xia Mingxiu's words are indifferent statements, not questions.

Such determination caught Yuan Yao somewhat by surprise.

Xia Mingxiu's mouth twitched with a sneer, "Don't you know what to do with such a surprise?"


Yuan Yao's hands were tightly squeezed, and her face was pale.

"So? What do you want to say?"

No matter how stupid she is, she is not a complete fool.

Wen Qian said that the first time he saw Xia Mingxiu, he did not reveal his identity.

But who is Xia Mingxiu?

Wen Qian is her son, he must investigate!

It was so easy to come back from the UK because he was afraid that it would be delayed for a long time. Wen Qian's affairs would always be investigated by Xia Mingxiu.

Ke Wenqian suddenly returned to China, which was tantamount to directly exposing Yuan Wenqian's identity to Xia Mingxiu's nose.

Even if he really didn't have that consciousness for the first time, it didn't mean he didn't know next.

But his response was dull, he didn't ask her, and he never mentioned anything about Wen Qian to her...

And for her, a moment of ease is a moment...

I knew in my subconscious that I would come back this day, but I never thought it would come so suddenly.

She panicked and didn't know what to do.

It would be too ridiculous to deny it at this time.

"So, what do you want to do when you tell me this now?! Wen Qian belongs to me, but I am alone! He has nothing to do with you!!"

Xia Mingxiu sneered and raised his eyelids. The pitch-black pupils were burning with clusters of fireworks, but they gave people a chill to the bones.

"It has nothing to do with me? What kind of mentality did you say this sentence. Half of the blood on his body is mine! This ironclad fact cannot be lost in a lifetime! Think! Do everything you can to try to clean up with me... heh..."

Xia Mingxiu sneered, watching Yuan Yao's eyes become colder.

"Yuan Yao, do you think the two are clean between us?"

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