Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1643: This relationship

Xia Mingxiu sneered, watching Yuan Yao's eyes become colder.

"Yuan Yao, do you think the two are clean between us?"

Yuan Yao was cold all over, and her lips were shaking slightly, she couldn't say a word for a long time.

Xia Mingxiu ignored her nervousness, and I continued to say comfortingly:

"Actually, even if Wen Qian does not return to China, I will find him out sooner or later. You think that you who have been hiding for five years after I found you are so simple to return to China, I really have no idea at all? Then you It would be too simple for me!"

Yuan Yao's whole body trembled more severely.

Why, even if she had already done this, Xia Mingxiu would still not let her go? !

"As long as I don't want to, I will always find every way to make this relationship, and I can never tell it away."

Yuan Yao's breathing was trembling, and with a little bit of breathing force, the tears that did not know when she was holding back fell.

Unexpectedly, tears would fall uncontrollably, and he did the most cowardly thing when Xia Mingxiu shouldn't be weak, and Yuan Yao took a breath.

While shaking his head, crying and shouting:

"I didn't want him at all! I didn't want him at all in the beginning!!! Just because he is your child!!!"

Xia Mingxiu's face suddenly became gloomy, and the blue veins between his forehead suddenly protruded.

"But, besides your child, he is mine! He grows in my stomach and absorbs my blood. He is the only relative of Yuan Yao in my life. I have no parents and no family since I was a child. You will always I don’t know, every time I look at all the lights of thousands of families in the dark, how desolate, lonely, and helpless my heart is!! I go to school, no one will really be happy for me, because in their hearts , They just added another burden. I was sad, even sick, and they didn’t come out to comfort me, take care of me, care about me..."

Yuan Yao stretched out her hand and wiped her tears with the back of her hand, and continued to cry:

"I am alone, I am full, and the whole family is not worried! No one will care about me, and no one will care about me! Sometimes I even think that if I die suddenly one day, there will be no one. Discover my existence. No one will be sad for me or sad for me... Susu... Yes, I am afraid it is only Susu... But she has her own misery and she always has her own life. So to In the end, I was the only one, and I was alone!"

"I want to be a star, I want everyone to pay attention to me, I want everyone to confirm my existence, and let more people know that there is another person named Yuan Yao who is working hard to live in this world!!"

"But I still can't get ahead. After paying so much, I have always lost to this cruel and ruthless reality! I somehow got entangled with you. I thought you would give me everything I wanted, but in the end, except for You provoke you, what did you give me again? An unexpected life! I know...I know, children shouldn't want to...should not want to! But I can't bear it, it is my family, I finally have something to worry about Family! Do you understand?! Do you understand?!!! Wen Qian is my life!!! What do you want? Can you let me go?! Is it true that as long as I die, you are willing to let me go, right? ?!!!"

Yuan Yao completely lost her reason, facing Xia Mingxiu's calm and self-reliance, she is now a lunatic.

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