Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1665: Is this beast a pig

The kind of thing that is very different from her character, she has done, is particularly caring, and can't remove her eyes.

Facing Yuan Yao's rare "friendliness", Xia Mingxiu was stunned for half a second, and then he nodded in a ghostly manner and walked towards the dining table.


Yuan Yao curled the corners of her lips slightly, and when she saw Xia Mingxiu really sitting down, she gave him a dark glance out of the lens.

Xia Mingxiu pretended not to see it, picked up the chopsticks, took a bite and put it in his mouth, the taste...

It's still really possible.

Xia Mingxiu couldn't help but looked up at Yuan Yao who was still standing opposite, her eyes paused.

"how about it?"

"..." Xia Mingxiu did not speak, but nodded gently.

Yuan Yao's shoulders were obviously loosened, he was obviously relieved, and a faint smile appeared on his face. ,

Finally, he raised his brows at Xia Mingxiu triumphantly, and then turned to the kitchen.

After that, there were two dishes, Xia Mingxiu ate a lot of each plate, and there was nothing wrong with the expression on his face.

Yuan Yao was actually very surprised in his heart. It wasn't that he had never seen Xia Mingxiu eat, but every time he was like a fairy bigu, a big man ate that bit of bird food.

Once you get used to it, you get used to it, but today Xia Mingxiu actually ate so much, not to mention, even with a large bowl of rice.

Yuan Yao sometimes feared that Xia Mingxiu would suddenly die in front of her.

She really raised her heart. Seeing that the dishes on each plate had been seen, Xia Mingxiu put down her chopsticks, and Yuan Yao was relieved.

Fortunately, she didn't die in front of her, otherwise her guilt would be serious.

Who is Xia Mingxiu, the overlord of the entertainment industry, if she dies the overlord, will she be bombarded to death by the stars in the entertainment industry?

It wasn't until Xia Mingxiu stood up and left that Yuan Yao recovered somewhat.

But when she wanted to eat again, looking at every empty dish in front of her, and the half bowl of rice in her hand, her mouth twitched fiercely.

Xia Mingxiu, your uncle!

Worthy of a beast, you pig!

When Xia Mingxiu was full, he went to drink tea under the big locust tree in the yard. The contented look made Yuan Yao more obsessive.

She just made a point just now, after all, so many people are here!

Unexpectedly, he was really welcome.

The physical effort required to film the show was really great. After Yuan Yao had finished eating, she became sleepy and had to rest for a while.

After the lunch break, I was refreshed.

The next shooting went smoothly, but everyone found that the camera lens for Ensisi was surprisingly few. On the contrary, Cheng Yu and Han Miaomiao had a lot more lenses, almost of Ensisi’s photographers. The camera is following the two of them.

En Sisi frowned all the way, she wanted a theory, but was stopped by Qiao Shan.

There was almost nothing to Yuan Yao during the whole process, and her shots were still no more and no less.

It doesn't matter to hang up high.

The staff on the side looked a little awkward, walked to the director under the shade of the tree, and asked in a low voice:

"Director, did you order it? How come Ensisi's shots are so few and too obvious?! I think she can't help but come to you several times."

The director glanced at the man and shook his head, "That's no way, because she offended someone!"

"Offend someone? When?" The man paused, frowned and thought about it. Suddenly he thought of something, somewhat surprised:

"Is that the queen? Is that what she meant?"

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