Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1666: Last chance

"Is that the queen? Is that what she meant?"

The director shook his head and squinted at the man. "The shadow queen looked like a thoughtless person. I really don't know how she got to this point."

"That's not her? It's..."

The director glared at him, "What are you doing so much?!"

The man squeezed and shook his head and waved his hand, "No, I mean, since someone is showing up for her, shouldn't she be given more shots? Why did you give them all to Cheng Yu and Han Miaomiao? "

"After being with me for so long, I can't see this thing? That's Mingzhe's protection. Who would have thought that someone had protected Yuan Yao? En Sisi was angry and jealous, so she could only pile on Han Miaomiao and Cheng Yu. ?understand?"

The staff member looked at the camera that had been following Yuan Yao from a distance. It was normal, and then looked at En Sisi on the other side. His eyes really wanted to see through Han Miaomiao and Cheng Yu.

"I understand! I understand! The goal was shifted in order to prevent Yuan Yao from becoming the target of Ensi Thought's revenge! Director, your thoughts are so thoughtful."

The director hummed twice without speaking.

But in my heart, he is thoughtful?

Ensisi is a newly-launched artist of Aurora International recently. In other words, she is in Xia Mingxiu's hands. If no one explains him, how could he reduce her shots.

It's just that President Xia is too short of protection.

In order to protect Yuan Yao, he didn't hesitate to use the artist under his hand to perform surgery. There was no room at all. It was really...

Protect short of life without friends.

The shooting in the afternoon went smoothly, and for the next two days, I was always shooting and having fun, and it went smoothly.

Except for Cheng Yu and Han Miaomiao's occasional embarrassment.

The shooting ends tomorrow, and I will return to town the day after tomorrow.

En Sisi took revenge on Han Miaomiao and Cheng Yu for the past two days, but he forgot how to target Yuan Yao.

Seeing that she was about to return to the city, if Yuan Yao really went back with them, she would really have no chance at all.

Only then did Ensisi become anxious, regretting not listening to Qiao Shan's opinion at the beginning, and regretting that he was too timid, and only now knew that he was anxious.

After washing, Qiao Shan looked at her obviously feeling helpless, walked to her side with an ugly expression, and said with a serious face:

"Tomorrow is the last chance, Sisi, you must grasp it well. Spend the night, you will have such a role in a lifetime!"

"But...what can I do, what should I do?!"

Qiao Shan sighed softly, leaned to Ensi's ear, and said softly:

\'"Tomorrow's shooting task is to shepherd the sheep. Everyone has to allocate three to five sheep to graze on the mountain. In addition, everyone will allocate a shepherd dog! We will start from here..."

Later Qiao Shan said something, En Sisi just looked embarrassed and embarrassed, but when she thought of the role of Hua Wan and the honor that Hua Wan would bring to her, she could only nodded firmly.

That night, Bai Hao also called. After learning that Ensisi had made all the decisions, he was very pleased.

The tone of speaking with Ensisi also eased a lot.

Said that she must celebrate her when she goes back.

En Sisi felt even more excited when she heard Bai Hao's tone.

It seems that as long as Yuan Yao can't go back within the specified time, he really has a way to help her get the role of Hua Wan.

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