Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1668: Final shot

"Fighting with the bedside, how can the couple have an overnight hatred..."

Yuan Yao sprayed it directly, covering Tie Zhu's mouth at that time!

Auntie, you are getting more and more ridiculous!

At that time, this time, Tie Zhu's parents came to chat, and Xia Mingxiu sat on the sofa and drank tea with Tie Zhu's father, without any denial.

Occasionally Tie Zhuma turned her head and asked him, "Big boss, don't you think?" When he nodded with a smile, then continued to drink tea.

Yuan Yao really wanted to find a place to drill down.

Auntie, the people in our village are really terrible.

Auntie, your mouth is so powerful.

She couldn't say a word anyway.

So Yuan Yao just found an excuse and went upstairs.

Seeing Xia Mingxiu now, I still feel a little awkward because of Tie Zhu's mother's phrase "fighting at the end of the bed".

To Xia Mingxiu...

Anyway, there was something in my heart, and I couldn't get up and down. When I saw him, I stood up like a conditioned reflex.

Don't ask her why, because she doesn't know it herself.

Now that Xia Mingxiu suddenly stopped her, she didn't want to talk to him.

The province's disagreement will tear it apart!

"Yuan Yao, shall I watch SpongeBob with you?"

Yuan Yao's footsteps suddenly stopped, the corners of her mouth twitched, and she slowly turned around, looking at Xia Mingxiu somewhat strangely.

Xia Mingxiu looked up at her, curled her lips slightly, showing a charming smile, and raised her chin toward the TV in the living room.

Yuan Yao watched it and remembered that the TV in front of him was just bought today and was written by Xia Mingxiu.

She hesitated, walked to the sofa and stared at Xia Mingxiu's face with hesitation.

"Why are you so idle? You have been here for three days!"

Yuan Yao looked at the TV screen, and Xia Ming corrected the financial news.

He curled his lips, and the little guy's face flashed in his mind, exactly what he liked, which was really annoying.

Xia Mingxiu glanced at her, then patted on the sofa next to him, "Sit down!"

Yuan Yao glanced at the location beside her and glared at him.

She would sit next to him when she was sick.

Xia Mingxiu didn't care. He took the remote control and pointed it at the TV screen and searched for SpongeBob SquarePants. As soon as the familiar voice came out, Yuan Yao blinked and glanced at the screen. Suddenly, he felt that the feeling at this time was watching with others Feel a little different.

That sense of expectation is bursting again...

What a **** feeling!

"Don't watch, I'm going upstairs!"

Yuan Yao strode upstairs with a fruit plate, Xia Mingxiu was on the sofa, squinting at Yuan Yao's back and looking at the phone in his hand.

"Who said that as long as it's SpongeBob Squarepants, she will be safe?"



"I have nothing to say to you."


"But it's really useful for us!"

"you guys?"

"Uh... Come on, you will succeed!"



On the second day, Yuan Yao divided five sheep with a shepherd dog who seemed not very old. After making sure that she would not be bitten, Yuan Yao approached it and touched it tentatively, a very docile dog .

After rubbing its head and getting rid of its care, he stood up.

Ensisi and the others were also allocated, ranging from three to four.

The locations are also different. Han Miaomiao and Cheng Yu are in different locations on a round mountain bag to the west, one on the back of the mountain bag, and one on the south side of the mountain bag.

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