Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1669: Obey organizational arrangements

The locations are also different. Han Miaomiao and Cheng Yu are in different locations on a round mountain bag to the west, one on the back of the mountain bag, and one on the south side of the mountain bag.

Ensisi and Yuan Yao are located on the mountain bag to the north, and they are in corresponding positions, and they don't interfere with each other.

In fact, there are still a lot of mountain bags in the village, but the program team was afraid of accidents and narrowed the scope as much as possible.

In case of an accident, they can gather together for rescue immediately.

Of course this is only a bad idea, but not afraid of ten thousand but just in case.

Yuan Yao's mountain bag is located in the middle of the rolling hills, with a road in the middle, which has been built by people for many years.

To the innermost point, there is a very deep ravine. Correspondingly, the mountain road inside will become steeper and steeper.

Yuan Yao looked towards there, and she felt goose bumps in the wind.

Holding a small leather whip in his hand, the whip dangled, following the **** of the five sheep, watching the sheep grazing leisurely.

Green grass and deep valleys, although the wind is gusty, but the wind blows out with a strong smell of grass, and flowers, and the warm sunshine on the head is very pleasant.

Yuan Yao was sitting on a clean stone, watching the sheep grazing, watching the little shepherd staring at the five sheep laboriously, and suddenly felt that this kind of life was good.

The pace of life will not be very fast, will not care about so many intrigues, and will never have too many annoying things, bask in the sun, smell the flowers, go home and cook a table of simple and healthy dishes, and eat with neighbors Chat, everything is just right.

This sitting was basically a morning, and the five sheep were very obedient. When they were full, they lay down and rested.

The same is true for that shepherd dog, lazily nesting there, looking up from time to time to see if the sheep are quiet, very conscientious.

It was not until noon that the photographer who followed Yuan Yao urged:

"Miss Yuan, it's time to finish work!"

Yuan Yao was in a daze. Hearing what the photographer said, she looked up at him. He had already put away the camera.

Yuan Yao nodded, stood up, and said "It's hard work" to him, and the photographer nodded habitually.

"You go back first, I'll look at it for a while..."

The photographer looked at the assistant behind him.

The little assistant frowned and said:

"Sister Yuan, don't you want to eat lunch?"

Yuan Yao lay directly on the clean rock, "Send it to me after you eat it!"

Anyway, there is still a lunch break at noon, so I will take a lunch break here.

"Sister Yuan, please obey the organization's arrangements!"

The little assistant said righteously, and his tone was beyond doubt.

Yuan Yao took a deep breath, sat up from the rock, and looked at the determination of the little assistant, stood up from the rock helplessly.

"Okay, okay, walk around, go back to eat!"

Yuan Yao was very helpless on the surface, but she also felt that the little assistant made sense.

She is very sensitive in her current position, and doing something maverick or something is pure sin.

Anyway, the experience is also the experience, and it's okay to follow it back honestly.

Xia Mingxiu came up afterwards.

It’s the first time in my life to come to a rural area in a mountainous area. The crew members who used to take scenes have been saying that standing on the mountain to see the scenery in the village feels very novel, especially before eating, standing on the top of the mountain to see the smoke in the village Don't have a taste, not only that, the environment is also beautiful.

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