Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1694: Picking persimmons

As the two of them said, their feet were already in the mountain stream. There was a stream that didn’t know where it came from. The sound of splashing water echoed in the deep mountain stream, accompanied by bird calls from time to time in the distance. Together, it is like a beautiful ensemble, and the performer is this infinitely vibrant nature.

Yuan Yao took a deep breath, stepped on the uneven gravel road under her feet, and walked crookedly to the river. The stream was clear and there were lots of emerald green lotus leaves growing by the river. When she looked closely, there were actually a few fishes. Swim leisurely inside.

"Xia Mingxiu, come and see Xia Mingxiu! There are fish here!"

Xia Ming corrected the terrain here, and saw that a few trees on the platform not far away were covered with dense yellow fruits. It was really the same as the adjectives of primary school students when they were in school, like small lanterns, look. Come, that is the persimmon is right.

At this moment, I heard Yuan Yao calling him suddenly, and walked towards Yuan Yao.

Since there are fish, it should be good to catch one and improve the food.

But Xia Mingxiu walked to Yuan Yao and watched for a long time, but didn't see where the fish he imagined was.

"Where is the fish?"

Xia Mingxiu asked, frowning at Yuan Yao.

Yuan Yao glanced at him with a look of contempt.

"It's in the river!"

Xia Mingxiu looked at it again, but still nothing.

Yuan Yao pursed her mouth impatiently, bent over to pick up a stone, and threw it onto the lotus leaf. A group of fish was frightened and ran out of the lotus leaf.

"Look, it's out! Did you see it!"

Xia Mingxiu narrowed his eyes and looked towards the river, suddenly speechless.

What to improve food, such a small fish, good for flossing teeth!

His complexion was not pretty, so he turned and left.

"Quickly pick the persimmons and go back!"

Yuan Yao turned her head and glanced at him, then looked at the fish that were running around in the water, and quickly turned and chased after Xia Mingxiu.

"Hey, did you just see it? Are those fish so lively, more clever than the fish we raise ourselves!"


"Why don't we grab some of them and raise them!"


"Where is the persimmon tree?"

Xia Mingxiu's body walking in front suddenly stopped, Yuan Yao glanced at him suspiciously, looked up, and instantly widened her eyes.

That's exactly the same as dumbfounded.

The persimmon tree was obviously very tall, but because the long one was too dense, the weight of the persimmon made the branches crooked. She tried it, and she could reach it as soon as she reached out.

"Xia Mingxiu, look, this is a persimmon! You must have never seen it, right?! Wow, it's too thick! How long does it take to eat this?!"

Yuan Yao yelled excitedly, using both hands together, holding a branch with one hand, and plucking a persimmon with one click.

It was bright yellow, covered with a thin layer of fruit powder that looked like hoarfrost, and it was bigger than a fist.

"This persimmon is so big!"

Yuan Yao sighed, turned to look at Xia Mingxiu, and shouted, "Xia Mingxiu, come and help!"

Xia Mingxiu took two steps forward and reached out to take the persimmon Yuan Yao handed him.

"Grandma said that there should be no cracks, you first gently put it on the ground!"


Xia Mingxiu found a clean place and carefully placed the persimmons on the ground.

Standing up, she saw Yuan Yao tapping her toes, reaching out to reach the persimmon, which obviously looked much larger than the others.

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