Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1695: Lift high

Standing up, she saw Yuan Yao tapping her toes, reaching out to reach the persimmon, which obviously looked much larger than the others.

A pair of legs stretched and relaxed for a while, and then stretched again, the tiptoes became higher and higher, and the arms stretched longer and longer.

It seems that I can't reach that persimmon and vowed to never give up.

This vividly showed Yuan Yao's stubbornness, which was ridiculous and annoying.

"Can't you pick it off?" Xia Mingxiu couldn't help but speak.

"No!" Yuan Yao may have been unable to reach that persimmon for many times. There was a fire, and he didn't even look at Xia Mingxiu. He replied in a rather flat tone!

Seeing Yuan Yao's tendency to fight the persimmon to the end, Xia Mingxiu sighed helplessly.

In her current state, if he helped to take it off, she might have trouble with him.

Slowly approached her for two steps, but her eyesight saw Yuan Yao's slightly small white shirt moving up due to a posture problem, and her white and slender waist showed a large section, even the tail bone between the back of the waist. The small gully everywhere is beautifully exposed.

A smile appeared at the corners of Xia Mingxiu’s lips, and his black eyes were a little deep. He walked behind Yuan Yao, held Yuan Yao’s exposed waist with both hands, pressed her chest against her back, and put her head down on her ears. On his shoulders, his cheeks pressed against Yuan Yao's side face, and he whispered in charm:

"Do you want me to help? Hmm?"

Because of Xia Mingxiu's approach, Yuan Yao suddenly stiffened, her legs softened and her toes loosened, falling into Xia Mingxiu's arms.

Because the branch in his hand hadn't been released yet, Xia Mingxiu was afraid of her being scratched by the branch, so he quickly held Yuan Yao's waist with his eyes and hands, and lifted her up.


Yuan Yao was caught off guard and whispered. She was almost like a child, being held in the air by Xia Mingxiu, her face suddenly hot.

Shame and angry.

"Hurry up!"

Xia Mingxiu urged, Yuan Yao reacted, grasping the big persimmon with a hard hand with her fingers, and then picked it off with a click.

"All right!"

As soon as Yuan Yao's voice fell, Xia Mingxiu put Yuan Yao down.

Yuan Yao holding the persimmon in her hand, turned around and stared at Xia Mingxiu.

"Can you not be so sudden next time? It's scary?!"

Xia Mingxiu raised his eyebrows, holding Yuan Yao's slender waist in his hand and never let go, so at this moment, the hem of Yuan Yao's shirt was naturally lowered, and his hand was also covered.

It looks like it's reaching in from behind, flirting ---like.

And Xia Mingxiu did the same, sliding her hand gently along her slender waist twice, slid behind her waist, pressed her big palm on her back waist, and circled her into her arms. .

"What are you doing?!"

Yuan Yao looked at Xia Mingxiu defensively, holding her baby persimmon in one hand, and buckling Xia Mingxiu holding her arm in the other.

Xia Mingxiu put her chest against her and pushed her against the trunk of the persimmon tree behind him.

A blush appeared on Yuan Yao's face instantly, and she looked at Xia Mingxiu defensively.

Those eyes were big, black and shiny, and they looked at him tremblingly.

Xia Mingxiu's heart moved, and his fingers moved slowly on Yuan Yao's back waist.

Sniffing her body gently, smelling her cheeks from the hair, and finally staying on Yuan Yao's earlobe, rubbing gently with the tip of her nose, her breath was warm, but Yuan Yao's ears were about to burn.


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