Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1717: Lie down for a while

Xia Mingxiu couldn't help but lowered her head and kissed Yuan Yao's lips. Yuan Yao's body stiffened unnaturally. However, Xia Mingxiu was just a little bit on the water and didn't mean to force him. After that, he lay on one side and hugged Yuan Yao. In his arms.

"Rest assured, I will never break my promise to you."

Yuan Yao's heart softened, and her heart felt a relief she had never felt before.

She nodded, and took the initiative to get closer to Xia Mingxiu again, put her hands around his waist tightly, buried her face in Xia Mingxiu's arms, took a deep breath, and rubbed his arms comfortably. .

Xia Mingxiu lowered her head and rubbed against Yuan Yao's head, "If you post me so close, are you afraid that I'm plotting wrong?"

Yuan Yao shook her head, "Didn't you say that you didn't break your promise to me? You had promised that I would not touch me here!"

Xia Mingxiu choked, it turned out to be here waiting for him.

"No wonder you are so confident."

Xia Mingxiu's tone was full of resentment.

Yuan Yao smiled lowly in Xia Mingxiu's arms, gave a triumphant "um" and nudged twice.

"Enough of you, it's understandable to go back at this time!"

Yuan Yao stopped immediately, "Beast!"

"Then do I want to sit down on this title!"


Xia Mingxiu smiled lowly.

"...I will let you go for the time being! There will be time to toss you in the future!"

Yuan Yao's face was buried a little more deeply.

Xia Mingxiu's chin rested on Yuan Yao's head, feeling the warm softness in his arms, and sighed contentedly.

Suddenly, I felt what they were tossing about in the previous years.

Obviously, as long as you admit one sentence, you can hold people in your arms like this early.

However, because of each other's stubbornness, they missed more than five years.

The warm sunlight was projected into the room through the square glass, and very small floating objects were faintly seen floating in the air for a long time.

The room was too quiet, only two light breaths intertwined with each other, and sounded gently...


After sleeping too long, Yuan Yao seemed to have a dream, with a dazzling drop of crystal dotted around the corner of her eyes, the corners of her lips became wider and wider, and her expression was vivid.

Xia Mingxiu saw Yuan Yao's sleeping face at the moment, and the crying and laughing appearance was so cute, he was really a little bit dumbfounded.

I wanted to wake her up, but the smile on her lips forced the desire back.

What if it is a very beautiful dream? !

When Yuan Yao woke up, she sighed comfortably.

The elbow touched one of her chest, Yuan Yao paused, and moved her head slightly. What caught the eye was Xia Mingxiu’s handsome smiling face.

Maybe it's because of the closeness of these two days, maybe it's because the dream just now is so beautiful and so good.

With a satisfied expression on her face, she curled her lips close to Xia Mingxiu, and took the initiative to print a kiss on his lips.

Xia Mingxiu was a little surprised. This was the first time this awkward and shy woman was so proactive.

He just wanted to get close to her and rob her while it was hot, but Yuan Yao turned her head, looked outside the window, and asked:

"When is it now?"

Xia Mingxiu pounced for a moment, pursing her lips, "It should be evening!"

Yuan Yao turned her head to look at him incredulously, "No way, we slept for so long?"

Xia Mingxiu smiled faintly, took Yuan Yao back into her arms, and took a deep breath in her neck. ,

"Lie down for a while!"

"No more! It's too shameful for us to do this! It's so lazy!"

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