Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1718: Go to lift water at night [High Energy Warning 1]

"No more! It's too shameful for us to do this! It's so lazy!"

Yuan Yao pushed him away, and stood on the ground, sorting clothes.

Xia Mingxiu sighed heavily and got up after seeing Yuan Yao for a long time.

When Yuan Yao went out, the old lady was sitting on Mudun, rubbing persimmons with a kerchief in her hand.

"Grandma, what are you doing?"

"Pickled persimmons!"

Yuan Yao squatted beside her, looking at a thick porcelain urn beside the old man, half of which had been wiped clean persimmons, neatly stacked.

Yuan Yao looked at the movements in the old man's hands with interest.

"Grandma, let me come!"

The old man put the persimmon in his hand into the urn and handed the kerchief to Yuan Yao.

"Remember, if there are cracks on the surface, don't put it in! Otherwise it will be soaked."

"Okay, I get it!"

Yuan Yao took the veil, learned from the old man, and wiped it carefully.

Xia Mingxiu stood at the door, standing jade, with a faint smile on his mouth, looking at Yuan Yao, who was as energetic as a child, in some dark eyes, he might not even know that he was pampered.

The old lady glanced faintly in his direction, then looked down at Yuan Yao who was squatting on the ground, her lips hooked slightly.

"I'm going to cook dinner."


The old lady stood up, and when she passed Xia Mingxiu, she glanced at him sideways, "Don't be stunned! Go and help me chopping wood!"


Xia Mingxiu couldn't help gritting his teeth lightly.

I usually rely on my mind to do things, and I am used to dominating and controlling the overall situation.

He has never tried this kind of thing. Will he?

"Hurry up!"

The old lady clearly understood so much patience, and urged in a bad tone.

Yuan Yao turned her head when she heard the sound, looking at him with a smirk.

Xia Mingxiu frowned, squinted and gave Yuan Yao a warning look, then turned and followed the old lady.

Before long, at the stove, I heard the voice of the old lady accusing her.

Without a word, Xia Mingxiu forced himself to ignore the old lady's unshirkable accusations, but the posture of chopping wood in his hand followed the old lady's instructions, becoming more and more skilled.

The three of them performed their duties, and this formerly secluded courtyard was very lively.


After dinner, Yuan Yao wandered around in the yard, and when the old lady came out, she saw Yuan Yao walking around boredly alone.

"What are you doing? You have trampled on several ants!"

Yuan Yao looked down, and the sky had dimmed down, and there was nowhere to see the ants.

It turned out that the point of grandma's words was not here, Yuan Yao curled her lips, "It's all because grandma's cooking is so delicious, she eats too much, and her clothes are so tight!"

The old lady pursed her lips and looked at the clothes on Yuan Yao's body. From the corner of her eyes, she caught Xia Mingxiu walking out of the room, and threw the flashlight in Xia Mingxiu's hand.

"I slept for more than three hours in the afternoon. It is estimated that you will not be able to sleep at half past one in the evening. You can eat by the way, and bring me some water outside. Store it in the big urn in the middle of the vegetable garden. I will water the vegetable garden tomorrow. !"



At night, you are going to fetch water, grandma, you are such a god!

No way, the old lady's order was given, and the two of them couldn't refuse. One carried the bucket and the other walked out of the yard with a flashlight.

"Blame you! Wake up at noon, why don't you wake me up! If it weren't for that long sleep, we wouldn't have to come out to lift water at night."

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