Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1721: Waterfall under the moonlight (3)

It turned out that the water was not deep, and she was now kneeling halfway up to her waist.

She exhaled heavily, leaning against Xia Mingxiu's arms, panting, but gently covering her belly with her hand, her body trembling slightly.

"Scared me……"

"I'm here."

Yuan Yao nestled in his arms for a while before she stood up and stroked her wet hair.

"It's over, soaked!"

She raised her eyes and looked at Xia Mingxiu on the opposite side, and found that he was not much better. His whole body was almost drenched. Junyi's face was completely wet with water, and the shredded hair stuck to his face, embarrassed. Have **** and sense.

With just a glance, Yuan Yao didn't notice anything, but in an instant, she realized that Xia Mingxiu's scorching eyes were staring at her closely. The moment she met her eyes, Yuan Yao understood him. Information in the eyes.

A **** red flashed on Yuan Yao’s face. She flashed her eyes, avoiding Xia Mingxiu’s gaze. When she lowered her head hurriedly, Yuan Yao noticed that her white shirt was unexpectedly wet. , The shirt clinging to her body almost became transparent, and her pink inner-clothing wrapped her chest and the front was full, undisguised.

Because the bra is half-cup-shaped, the two rounds of tender white almost reveal a third, and the shirt is attached to it, seemingly concealed, and it looks a little erotic.

Yuan Yao was embarrassed for a while, gritted her teeth, and stepped back twice, pressing her back against the rock she had just stood on behind her. She paused and stretched out her hand to wrap around her body.

However, Xia Mingxiu suddenly reached out and grabbed Yuan Yao's hand, failing to let her move.


Yuan Yao was immersed in the water at this moment, but his entire face was as hot as rolling in the boiling water.

Ignoring Yuan Yao's embarrassment, Xia Mingxiu approached her, reached Yuan Yao's waist, and put her in his arms.

The white shirt on his body is also drenched, and the two buttons on his chest are not fastened, and a large area of ​​skin is usually exposed. Now it looks like this, the shirt is close to the body, and it looks a bit honeyed when compared to Yuan Yao. The skin is very healthy, the lines are toned, the chest is strong and tough, and it exudes fatal temptation.

Yuan Yao couldn't help but stretched out her tongue and licked her lips. She shook her hands on Xia Mingxiu's chest, and looked up at him.

His eyes were timid.

"Xia Mingxiu..." What do you want to do?

But when this sentence is said in this atmosphere, in a sense, it will become a catalyst for certain things.

She stopped talking no longer, and wanted to cover the spring light leaking from her chest with one hand.

The hand was caught again!

Then it was gently moved aside.

Yuan Yao's face reddened deeper again.

With her entire back leaning against the rock behind her, Yuan Yao's chest, which was too late to cover, became stronger in her current posture.

Xia Mingxiu pressed her a bit again, the information revealed in her scorching eyes couldn't be more obvious.

Yuan Yao panted nervously, her whole body heaving up and down following her breath.

Xia Mingxiu stared at Yuan Yao's crimson and nervous pretty face, and the free hand slid gently on Yuan Yao's waist.

Yuan Yao's body trembled slightly.

Xia Mingxiu noticed Yuan Yao's movement, and her scorching eyes narrowed slightly.

"To answer the question I just asked, who do you want to hug you? Or, in your dream, who is the man who hugs you?"

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