Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1722: Waterfall under the moonlight (4)

"To answer the question I just asked, who do you want to hug you? Or, in your dream, who is the man who hugs you?"

Xia Mingxiu had already approached her, and her hot, hot breath sprayed on Yuan Yao's chin, causing Yuan Yao to shiver.

Yuan Yao didn't want to answer this question at all, and didn't want to hear it at all.

Because of it, she felt that there was a kind of betrayal.

She felt that she was betraying Wen Muyan, betraying the man who was so gentle to her.

In fact, she has really betrayed him.

She was obsessed with the gentleness Xia Mingxiu brought to her. She admitted that she loved Xia Mingxiu. He shared the bed with Xia Mingxiu. She slept in Xia Mingxiu's arms. She indulged Xia Mingxiu's approach, hugs, kisses, and more.

"Yuan Yao, answer me..."

Xia Mingxiu's kiss had already landed on her chin, her low, soft voice with a seductive hoarse, the weight of her body seemed to be gradually pressing on Yuan Yao's body.

Yuan Yao gasped hurriedly, with a shy expression on her face, and a bit of painful tolerance.

"Quickly answer me..."

"No, stop asking, stop asking..."

Yuan Yao shook her head and reached out to push Xia Mingxiu's shoulder.

"Why?" Xia Mingxiu looked up at her with a gloomy expression.

"Is it another man?"

Yuan Yao's heart suddenly hurt, and an inexplicable grievance suddenly surged up. She stared at Xia Mingxiu closely, her mouth curled, and a suffocating air lingered in her chest, unable to hover away.

Xia Mingxiu's eyes moved, and he continued to ask, "Why don't you let me ask?"

"Because I don't want to hear, I don't want to hear this question. It will remind me all the time how I betrayed Muyan a little bit! I have promised him, but I am ambiguous with you here! Say I love You, slept with you, hugged and slept, and... did everything that lovers should do! You asked me who the person in my dream was..."

Yuan Yao's eye sockets were extremely red, and her face looked even fairer and almost transparent in the moonlight.

What she said paused, and her bright red eyes stared at Xia Mingxiu with infinite grievances.

"Who is the person in my dream? Before you asked me this question, I never thought about how wrong it would be for me in my dream to be hugged by you! I actually thought it was a matter of course, it should be so! Never thought that on such occasions, besides me is any man besides you..."

Xia Mingxiu's expression finally fluctuated greatly, and joy was not enough to express his current mood.

"Yuan Yao..."

"Are you satisfied with my answer? But I don't feel good. If I make you satisfied, I will hurt Mu Yan more, and I don't feel good!"

Xia Mingxiu didn't know how her lips would soothe the emotional little woman, but he leaned over and pressed her lips together.

Yuan Yao frowned fiercely and pushed Xia Mingxiu away.

"Don't you understand what I'm talking about? I'm sad now. I don't know how to face Mu Yan anymore. You still have to do this!"

Yuan Yao sat up straight, looking at Xia Mingxiu angrily and sadly.

Xia Mingxiu's red eyes stared at Yuan Yao tightly, gasped quickly, and quickly kissed Yuan Yao's lips again. Regardless of Yuan Yao's struggle, he leaned forward and pressed Yuan Yao on the rock behind him. .



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