Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1736: It shouldn't be burned, and it won't burn

Looking at the old lady's gloomy face, Yuan Yao swallowed her saliva and approached Xia Mingxiu a few steps.

"How could this be?"

Xia Mingxiu just took her hand comfortably.

"The fire must be saved. If it spreads, the entire valley will suffer..."

Yuan Yao looked at Xia Mingxiu in surprise, and gently pulled Xia Mingxiu's clothes.

"It's not that serious, is it?"

Xia Mingxiu pursed her lips, but twitched the corners of her lips with Yuan Yao.

The old lady pressed her lips tightly, passed through the two of them, and walked out the door, dressed in a blue shirt and cloth, with her back straight, standing in the yard, looking at the smoke-bearing place, for a long time.

Xia Mingxiu's eyes flickered, and she stood at the door pursing her lips silently.

Yuan Yao looked at the old lady's back, feeling more guilty in her heart.

She walked to the old man's side and gently took her arm.

"Grandma, I'm sorry... I really didn't know this would happen..."

The old man was silent for a long time, after which she sighed quietly, "I know, you didn't mean it!"

Yuan Yao's nose was a little sour, "I'm really sorry, grandma..."

I'm used to the old man's cold words, but now that he doesn't ask, don't tell, or blame, Yuan Yao really can't accept it.

She would rather the old lady scold her harshly or even beat her twice, which is better than now.

Having lived here for nearly forty years, this kind of thing has never happened before. They came here for two days and destroyed it.

How can she not feel guilty!

"Grandma, let's go to fight the fire..."

Yuan Yao retracted her hand and turned to leave, but the old man said weakly:

"No need to go!"

Yuan Yao stopped.

"Everything that should be burned is burned... what should not be burned, it will not burn."

"What do you mean?" Yuan Yao was confused.

The old man turned around, glanced at her faintly, then raised his eyes and glanced at Xia Mingxiu who was still standing at the door, his expression remained the same, just for a moment, he lifted his foot to his house.

"It's still early, go back to sleep!"

"But the fire..." Yuan Yao was a little worried.

"Can't burn anywhere else!"

The old man carried her on his back, said in a deep voice, and then said: "Go to bed and continue picking persimmons in the morning!"


Yuan Yao frowned. No matter how she looked at it, she felt that the old lady's reaction was weird.

She was obviously angry just now.

With a dizzy head and heavy fog in the valley in the early hours of the morning, Yuan Yao shuddered, holding her body in her hands, turning around and looking at the flames not far away, with worry in her eyes.

Xia Mingxiu walked over and hugged her, raised his eyes and glanced in the direction of the fire, then lowered his head and whispered to Yuan Yao:

"Go, go back to the house!"

"Is it okay?" Yuan Yao still asked him uneasy.

"It's okay!"

"How could this happen? Huo Mingming was extinguished..."

Xia Mingxiu didn't say a word, and hugged Yuan Yao horizontally.

Yuan Yao didn't struggle either, she put her arms around his neck, leaned on his chest, and let Xia Mingxiu hug her back to the house.


Yuan Yao has a fever.

His face was flushed in bed.

Sleeping drowsy.

The old lady made the porridge, asked Xia Mingxiu to feed Yuan Yao to drink, and then took out a quilt and pressed it on Yuan Yao's body.

After finishing everything, both of them were free.

"Since she is sick, you can pick me persimmons by yourself!"


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