Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1737: I'm not always confused

"Since she is sick, you can pick me persimmons by yourself!"

Xia Mingxiu glanced at the old man, nodded, and took the bag that the old man had handed over. Within an hour, he brought the persimmons back.

Yuan Yao was still asleep.

"I'm going to water the vegetable garden in a while!"

"I know!"

After several rounds, the big urn in the middle of the vegetable garden was already full of water.

Xia Mingxiu looked up at the direction of the fire last night, and it was still burning.

The fire has never been large, and the scope has always been only that one.

Pursing his lips, he turned around, but saw the old lady standing behind him looking at him.

"Go and chop wood!"

"……it is good!"

The old lady sat aside carefully and wiped the persimmons Xia Mingxiu brought back. Xia Mingxiu had already chopped a pile of firewood expertly.

The two people still didn't say a word.


Over the valley, when two helicopters gradually approached from a distance, the old lady opened her mouth without raising her head.

"I'm not too old to be confused, thinking that you two will send me the end..."

Xia Mingxiu continued to look at Chai in front of him, "Never thought about this. But it's not impossible!"

The old lady twitched her lips, "It seems that you really care about her."

Xia Mingxiu did not speak.

"That kid, that's so easy to understand! Straight-tempered, violent, sharp mouth, tofu heart, and stupid!"

Xia Mingxiu gently hooked her lips, noncommittal.

"Is a kind person! But if she is only a little stupid, it's okay, but she is still very stubborn. This kind of person is the most annoying, but it is not worth it to be angry with her. Knowing that, she sometimes thinks about some things. Not sure. There is no way..."

"The most unbearable thing is that she always feels that her own decision is the most correct, so she, if there is no one to help her, may make many detours."

Xia Mingxiu gradually became silent, standing still, quietly listening to the old lady's "nagging"!

"I guess she knows that she is really stupid, so from the outside, she is a bit strong and just protects herself. She should... She should have suffered a lot when she was a child, and there is no one to protect. No matter how stupid a person is, she knows that it is an instinct to protect herself. It is not easy for her now.

The heart is not bad, sometimes delicate, sometimes carefree, and looks very beautiful. It’s just a little bit stupid, a little bit stubborn, a little bit dumbfounded, can eat a little bit, and there is nothing wrong with it..."

The helicopter seemed to have aimed its direction and flew towards here.

The old lady put down the persimmon in her hand and raised her head, staring at Xia Mingxiu with bright eyes, her eyes extremely serious.

"A person like her never reveals her feelings easily, let alone admits something. Because she is afraid that she will not get it, and even more afraid that she will lose it. If you are just a machismo, just want Conquer a woman who refuses to give in to you..."

The old man paused, with a cold face on his face, "If this is the case, it is not just a mere injury! It directly killed her and ruined her life. Think about how she came along, What does she want the most? And if you want to harm her and deceive her with the most important things in her life, what will be the result?"


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