Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1743: Lin Huai can't get off

"Huh? What do you do now?"

Bai Hao said that he was reminding, and then stood up and pushed Ensisi.

Ensisi was really entangled by Bai Hao, so she stretched out her hand helplessly, lowered her head to untie Bai Hao's belt, and slowly held the thing in his hand with her weak boneless hand.

Bai Hao raised his brows, and the corners of his lips twitched slightly.


At the door of the conference venue, Lin Huai was sitting in the car with an ugly expression and had been staying for too long.

The driver was specially arranged by Bai Hao, and he has seen his watch several times.

He also urged him twice, but Lin Huai just couldn't get off the car.

In the end, the driver simply refused to speak, anyway, he received instructions early.

If Director Lin doesn't get out of the car by the time, he will solve it.

With this guarantee, it doesn't matter if he gets out of the car now.

Lin Huai held the purse in his hand tightly, a temperament that had been deposited over the years was as calm as a bell, and his stern eyes were full of anger at this moment.

Ever since Mr. Xia left Kyoto, he found that Bai Hao had been paying attention to himself, and he had even come forward several times to fight for the role of the late for Ensisi.

Last night, Bai Hao came forward again, as the vice president of Aurora, once again proposed to let Ensisi replace Yuan Yao's position.

Both soft and hard, agreed to let him wait until the last second before today's conference.

Thinking of what Bai Hao said yesterday, if he was not sure enough, he would definitely not condone him to the last second.

Sure enough, the program group that was originally scheduled to return last night was delayed until this morning.

Moreover, the two most important people are not among them.

"Why didn't Xia and Yuan Yao come back together?"

Lin Huai couldn't help but ask, even if there was only a one percent chance, he didn't want to decide this matter casually.

"Sorry Director Lin, I don't know."

Lin Huai frowned slightly, although he was expected, he still felt uncomfortable.

There is not even a reason why Xia Zong and Yuan Yao are not coming back!

It is impossible for President Xia to give him no news.

Unless, there is no chance now.

If you think about it carefully, there are many things that are unclear.

Why did the program group that was scheduled to come back last night be delayed until this morning?

The play "Upper" Xia is always very important, and its significance to Yuan Yao must be extraordinary, but now there is not even a little news.

At the very least, even if Yuan Yao doesn’t want to act, she should notify him in advance, not to mention hiding and not making a statement like now.

President Xia, the same is true!

This play was originally played by President Xia after five years in order to keep Yuan Yao.

If Yuan Yao doesn't act, this drama is meaningless to him.

Otherwise, take it back, or let it go!

But the latter, he thought, is almost impossible,

There must be something wrong here!

There must be something wrong!

Time faltered until the last five minutes, Lin Huai still had no plans to get off the car.

At this time, Bai Hao came out from the side door of the lobby and saw Lin Huai's car, with an indifferent smile on his lips. He put his hands in his pockets and walked to the side of the car.

The driver naturally saw him and lowered the car window.

Bai Hao bent down, looked at Lin Huai, and said with a smile:

"Director Lin, the press conference is about to begin! Can't you come down?"


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