Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1744: What are you pretending?

Lin Huai frowned, turned to look at him, and said coldly:

"President Bai, if you are a smart person, you should know who Xia always prepares this drama for!"

Bai Hao smiled lightly, "Director Lin said and laughed, I don’t have the time to think so much! As long as it’s for the good of the company, it’s fine! You mean, always Xia might throw out this drama, but it’s just for Satisfy your feelings? Director Lin, as a renowned artist, can't involve too many personal factors in this kind of thing!"

Lin Huai snorted coldly, "You mean that artists are cold-blooded and can't have any feelings?"

Bai Hao shook his head, then smiled:

"Of course not! Of course you can mix your personal feelings, but to cater to other people's feelings to complete a certain artwork, don't you think this is a problem?"

Lin Huai's face still sneered flatly, "Maybe there is a problem, I believe that there are some realistic things, and Mr. Bai may understand better than I can see. If it caters to a person's preferences, it can make me complete a supreme art. Product, cater to that cater to!"

The complexion is plain, but the tone is not plain!

Bai Hao’s face darkened slightly, "If Director Lin doesn’t get out of the car now, I can delay the press conference for fifteen minutes. Director Lin will think about it again and ask Mr. Xia to take back the copyright and wait for another one. Or let someone else take over now in two or five years later! Director Lin should understand that besides Yuan Yao, Ensisi is a more suitable candidate! Perhaps Ensisi is even more suitable than Yuan Yao. The role may be."

Lin Huai's face changed slightly!

Take back the copyright?

This is indeed the question he cares most about!

I just figured out Mr. Xia's thoughts and felt that Mr. Xia would definitely do things like taking back the copyright.

Did you really want to give up an opportunity that you finally waited for?

Seeing Lin Huai's obvious loosening, Bai Hao was not anxious, looked down at his watch, and smiled:

"There are still two minutes left before the original time, plus the fifteen minutes I just gave in. I believe seventeen minutes is enough for Director Lin!"

Lin Huai pressed his lips tightly and was silent.

Bai Hao looked at him, the corner of his lips smiled deeper and deeper.



Ensisi frowned and came out of the bathroom, thinking that she had just been tricked by Bai Hao to use her mouth to help him, and she vented things into her mouth without considering her feelings. Now that she thinks about it, she is holding her hands. He retched twice on the chest.

Go to the bathroom, go to the sink, rinse your mouth again, take out the cosmetic bag, and fill up the gorgeous lipstick for the Nth time. Some ugly complexions look better.

"I thought you could always pretend to be upright to the end, but now it seems that you feel that your endurance is nothing but this!"

A voice sounded abruptly, and found that Zhuangfen's face was deliberately painted with light makeup and looked extremely pure.

Ensisi frowned, straightened her hair expressionlessly, and walked past her.

"I do not know what you're talking about!"

"I don't know? Ensisi, who has been ridden by men, and has to pretend to be high, what qualifications do you have now? You looked down on us before, and now you have done the same thing as us, don't you feel hurt?"

Ensisi stopped, raised her eyebrows and looked at Zhuangfen, and said impatiently:

"Does it matter to you whether my face hurts or not? Do you care too much? After all, you just feel unwilling! But, don't you feel sour in front of me? Do you feel ashamed?"

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