Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1772: Your son bullied my son?

It's just the cramps Yuan Yao thought of before, and it's hard for the two of them to not want to know anything!

However, the problem of Yuan Yao's death to face and suffering is also obvious at this moment.

Four of them, except Yuan Yao, three of them ate lunch plainly.

Halfway through, Ye Susu said:

"Wen Qian let him live with us first! He played pretty well with Yunze!"

"Huh? How troublesome!"

"It's not troublesome, Yunze is boring all by himself, and two companions!"

Yuan Yao bit her chopsticks, thought about it, and said, "That guy is very bad, don't let him bully Yunze!"

Hearing this, Pei Anzhi paused with the knife and fork in his hand, and looked up at Yuan Yao, with a gloomy light in his dark long eyes.

"Do you think your son will bully my son?"

"Maybe, after all, that guy and him..."

The fork in Yuan Yao's hand pointed at Xia Mingxiu naturally, and he choked again when he talked halfway through.

Perceiving that the atmosphere is not right, a pair of big, black and bright pupils circled in their eye sockets, and he retracted the fork, lowered his head and placed his gaze on the plate in front of him again.

"In short, he is not a good person..."

An ambiguous sentence, I don't know who it is talking about.

Pei Anzhi didn't bother to care about her.

I just turned to look at Xia Mingxiu more. I really don't know how Xia Mingxiu, as a person with an online IQ, would care about Yuan Yao this stupid woman for five years.

"Well-it doesn't seem to work, I have to find a school for Wen Qian and go through the admission procedures!"

How does that work? !

It is estimated that the media are all looking at Wen Qian. If a reporter is asked to take pictures of her going through the enrollment procedures for Wen Qian, at this time, even if she appears with Wen Qian, she will be caught up in the media.

Moreover, with a little digging, the fact that the dignified queen is the child's mother is an ironclad fact!

Although you can't keep it like that, everyone should understand that the timing is the most inappropriate.

"Let Wen Qian and Yunze be in the same school! Let Xia Mingxiu do it, it's not appropriate for you to take Wen Qian to go!"

Naturally, Yuan Yao also knew the reason for this so-called inappropriateness, but she was puzzled by another problem.

"Why him?"

Ye Susu really couldn't bear Yuan Yao's shameless question, so why are there so many questions!

"It was Xia Mingxiu who helped Yunze when he was in school. He has already come out, so it is troublesome for Anzhi to come out..."

Yuan Yao was eating something in her mouth, thought about it again, and then nodded.

"Oh, let him go!"

Ye Susu shook his head helplessly. What if he asked so many questions? Does it make sense now?

After lunch, the car that Pei Anzhi ordered to pick them up has arrived. With Ye Susu, he almost got on the car without stopping.

"What did you go so fast?"

Pei An's face was ugly, "I'm afraid you will be as stupid as her when you stay with her for too long!"

"Hey! That's not a small part!"

Of course Ye Susu was not happy when his good friend was rejected.

Naturally, I have to defend my friends twice.

Pei Anzhi snorted, "I don't mean to describe her without being small..."

"She's not like this in front of others! She's like this, but she trusts us too much. Heartlessness also divides people."


Pei Anzhi was silent, and what he said may be right, on one side.

On the other hand, he didn't want to quarrel with his wife because of a fool.

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