Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1773: I can't hold it

On the other hand, he didn't want to quarrel with his wife because of a fool.


Inside, Yuan Yao looked at Xia Mingxiu, blushing, "Why aren't you leaving?!"


"Then you go to the guest room and rest for a while before leaving."

"The guest room is also uncomfortable!"

"The guest room is good! No rain or wind! How could it be uncomfortable!"

The servant who passed by to clean up the room couldn't help but laughed low when he heard Yuan Yao's roar.

Xia Mingxiu clenched his fist and put it to his mouth and coughed slightly, "It's not that the guest room is uncomfortable, I mean, I am not comfortable in the guest room."

Yuan Yao blinked her eyes, reacted, opened her mouth and made a blushing face.

But the person still refused to admit defeat, "Gu...The mattress in the guest room is super elastic and the bedding is also very soft?!"

Xia Mingxiu approached Yuan Yao who was standing on the stairs, stood two steps away from her, looked at Yuan Yao level up, and smiled.

Yuan Yao was embarrassed by his gentle gaze. Just when he was about to have an attack, Xia Mingxiu suddenly leaned over to her, and said in a low voice, "It's flexible without you, and it's not as soft as you."

Yuan Yao's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and the breath that Xia Mingxiu sprayed on her face ironed her skin, making her subconsciously turn her head and avoid it.

Reached out to reach Xia Mingxiu's shoulder.

" are sick!"

Xia Mingxiu suddenly grabbed the hand against his shoulder, pressed her forehead against her, and said softly in a low voice again: "Do you feel it? I am indeed sick."

Yuan Yao frowned and was silent for two seconds, her forehead pressed against Xia Mingxiu's, her brows tightened, "I can't feel it? Isn't it different from my temperature?"

Xia Mingxiu let out a soft smile between his nose, "Idiot, you also have a fever! Of course there is not much temperature difference between us?"

Yuan Yao suddenly realized that she had just loosened her eyebrows, and the hand held by Xia Mingxiu suddenly tightened, and then her body was spinning around. When she reacted, Xia Mingxiu was hugging her whole body.

"You...what are you doing?!"

"go to bed!"

Yuan Yao glanced downstairs and found that two servants were looking at her at this time, the expressions on their faces...

Anyway, in Yuan Yao's eyes at this moment, everyone's eyes must be full of ambiguous eyes.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Quickly let me down!"

"do not move!"

Xia Mingxiu's hand was squeezed on her waist, and Yuan Yao bowed in surprise, whispered, and actively retracted into Xia Mingxiu's arms.

Xia Mingxiu smiled, "This is good!"

Yuan Yao dared not look up again in shame, so Xia Mingxiu carried her all the way to the bedroom.

"Hey, let me tell you, don't mess around!"

Xia Mingxiu had just put Yuan Yao on the bed, Yuan Yao rolled and got into the bed, covering herself tightly, only revealing a pair of big sullen eyes and staring at him defensively.

Xia Mingxiu reached the bed, reached out to explore Yuan Yao, and Yuan Yao moved to the bed again.

Xia Mingxiu sighed, bent over helplessly, and with a long arm, he directly took Yuan Yao into his arms with the quilt.

"What are you doing?" Yuan Yao glared at Xia Mingxiu with her eyes open, her mouth chattering with vigilance.

Xia Mingxiu's black eyes were stained with the faint afternoon sun, and he stared at Yuan Yao closely, with a wicked look.

"Don't be so enthusiastic, or you will really be overwhelmed!"

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