Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 178: Turn around? 2

He stretched out his hand to pick up the scattered photos, his icy eyes were like ice skates exuding cold, and Jun Yi's face was cold and angry.

In each photo, women with heavy make-up, naked to deal with different men, large golden wavy and curly hair scattered around messy, or wet and sticking to her face and body.

In that scene, he could only imagine how dirty and confused the original slenderness was by just looking at the photos.

What makes Sheng Yuchen so angry is that the face with heavy makeup and the woman is surprisingly similar!

Sheng Yuchen's eyes suddenly narrowed dangerously, and he suddenly raised his head to look at Chang Chu, his gaze was even more frightening than before.

"Where did it come from?"

The too intriguing Sen Han made Chang Chu's heart tighten.

"I got it by accident. That person was going to use this to blackmail Chuqing, but I stopped..."

"Who else has these photos?"

Chang Chu shook his head in panic, "I don't know, I don't know those people, I don't know if they keep negatives!"

Sheng Yuchen looked down at the photos in his hands one by one, thick irony slipped through his dark eyes.

There are so many things that have been subverted in his heart. He has always thought of a pure woman, but doing such dirty things behind his back.

He hadn't even thought of this kind of thing!

"I originally planned to wait for discharge from the hospital and find an opportunity to apologize to Mu Chuqing. After all, she was not pregnant back then, and the Sheng family also had certain responsibilities. Unexpectedly, she was such a slutty woman. If it weren’t for considering that she was once you My wife, it’s spread out to shame our Sheng family. I really want to let the ugly things of her go out so that people all over the world can see how ugly this woman looks. It’s... shameless!


Sheng Yuchen snorted coldly and threw the photo onto Ye Yun's hospital bed.

"From now on, don't let me see or hear anything about this woman!"

Sheng Yuchen squinted his eyes, glanced at the photos fiercely, and then turned around and left the ward with an all-over body.

A surprise flashed in Chang Chu's eyes and flashed past.

"Chu Chu, right..."

"Auntie, don't say anything, how could I blame you. I was also wrong. In order to protect Chu Qing, I helped her hide from you and put the Sheng family in shame..."

As he said, Chang Chu paused and threw into Ye Yun's arms with a "wow" cry.

"Auntie, I would rather you beat me and scold me, but I just can't bear you ignore me. Auntie, I admit that I may have done something wrong, but it is all because I love Chen, I want to make Chen happy, and I am more I hope I can be with Chen to make him happy. Auntie, do you understand?"

"Understand, Auntie understands everything!"

Ye Yun was almost ashamed. Hearing Chang Chu's sobbing and crying so painfully, his eyes turned red.

After all, this can be regarded as a child I have seen since I was a child. I have been gentle and kind since I was a child, and I have never made any major mistakes.

Moreover, even if she made a mistake, she could never kill her in one stroke.

She must be forgiven once.

It's just a pity...

"Chu Chu, you really..."

Chang Chu had stopped crying, sitting on the edge of the hospital bed, wiping tears, looking very pitiful.

Listening to Ye Yun's desire to speak, she looked up and saw Ye Yun staring at her stomach with embarrassment.

Chang Chu thought of the pain that the child had shed before, and Mu Chuqing's fierce kick a few days ago, and faintly felt a twitching pain in the lower abdomen.

If it weren't for the later examination, she really had the illusion that the uterus was broken again.

She stretched out her hand to cover her belly, her face pale.

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