Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 179: No successor allowed

If it weren't for the later examination, she really had the illusion that the uterus was broken again.

She stretched out her hand to cover her belly, her face pale.

Biting his lip and nodding, tears silently dripped onto the white quilt of the hospital bed.

Losing the uterus was the pain of her life and her biggest difficulty in front of Ye Yun!

In the Sheng family, only Sheng Yuchen is a son. How can such a huge family business allow no one to succeed.

Unfortunately, it will never be her child to inherit it.

Ye Yun looked at Chang Chu silently crying, feeling distressed and helpless.

"Auntie, I never thought of making the Sheng family unique..."

Ye Yun sighed for a long time, holding Chang Chu's sign language and said earnestly:

"Your body, this is really helpless, everything depends on what Yuchen thinks, don't look at me as Yuchen's mother, but in the end, he can't control his decision. Feelings, you decide for yourself!"

"I know, auntie!"

Chang Chu nestled on Ye Yun's shoulder, the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

As long as there are people in the Sheng family who are willing to believe in her, she still has the possibility of being the young lady of the Sheng family.

It's just that there is no extra time to spend here anymore, and the company is still a mess.

Damn Wang Mingshuan, dare to lie to her!

"Auntie, take a good rest, I won't bother you."


Coming out of Ye Yun's ward, Chang Chu directly asked the servant at home to bring the clothes and go to the company.

People in the company are no longer panicking, and almost everyone is in a casual look.

Even after seeing Chang Chu with a gloomy expression on his face, he didn't change his attitude much. Some people didn't even bother to say hello.

Several people gathered in a group, slid their chairs and gathered in the office area to chat.

Chang Chu gritted her teeth angrily. When has she been ignored like this.

When everyone saw her, they were so scared that they didn't even dare to say anything, and some people were chasing after her buttocks and flattering. How could she be able to bear it from the time when the stars held the moon to the present.

Walking to the nearest desk near the corridor, Chang Chu threw the computer on the desk to the ground.

The entire noisy office area suddenly reduced, and they turned to look at her.

"Are you blind? Just don't say hello when you see me. Those who should be chatting are still chatting. If you don't want to do it, just get out of here!"

"Yo! Mr. Chang, are you trying to fire us? Okay, I just want to go to the Li Group to try my luck. Remember, the company doesn't want us, not our voluntarily leaving the company, but you have to pay me more Three months' salary!"


Chang Chu felt his liver aches from the instinct of anger, this **** man, which pot is not opened and which pot.

"Sorry, Mr. Chang, we really didn’t expect you to come back today. We thought we were wrong! I went to see my grandmother in Fucheng Hospital two mornings, and happened to ran into President Mu of the Li Group holding your hair from The elevator dragged you out. I thought I was wrong. I came back and chased you out. Isn’t it you? There was still blood on your mouth. I thought you had to stay in the hospital for at least a few days..."


"Ah, yes, I also heard Mr. Mu saying all the way to ask you to kneel and apologize to her child. Mr. Chang, can you clarify to yourself what was going on in the first place? Or else this Everyone at the company Yamashita has suspicions about you, so it's not sensible, right?"

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