"Sad for a while, happy forever!"

Xia Mingxiu squeezed her waist and said with a smile, "You can think about it!"

"Oh, itchy!"

"Where is it? Um?"

The two laughed, pressed Yuan Yao on the sofa and kissed each other.

"Maybe, I will bring Wen Qian back first!"

After a long time, Xia Mingxiu let go of Yuan Yao, looked at her, and said slightly inquiring.

Yuan Yao gasped at him and nodded, "Well, but you have to ask Wen Qian if he agrees, I can't be his master!"

"If you don't have any comments, it's fine. There is no problem with him! This is a basket he stabbed out himself, and he has to learn to take responsibility!"

"He is still young and ignorant!"

Xia Mingxiu smiled, "If he is not sensible, he dare to go to the press conference alone to make today's show?"


"Don't forget, he is my Xia Mingxiu's son!"

"It's because I'm like you, so I didn't have you in the past five years, so I almost **** me off for him!"

Xia Mingxiu pecked on her lips, "It's okay, I'll just help you bully back!"

"Who is bullying? Are you bullying yourself? Wait and see!"

Xia Mingxiu smirked suddenly, bowed his head and kissed Yuan Yao again.

"You can't... mess around! I'm still... sick!"



Xia Mingxiu personally sent Yuan Yao home.

"Take a good rest, forbearance these days, don't go out, just study the script in the villa! The company will be troublesome for a while, I will come to see you whenever I have time!"

Before getting off the bus, Xia Mingxiu asked again, Yuan Yao responded and asked with some worry:

"Really nothing will happen, right? After all, Wen Qian suddenly said that..."

Although she didn't want to admit it, Ke Wenqian now...

It is no different from an illegitimate child.

This is about the reputation of Xia Mingxiu, and Xia Mingxiu represents the entire Aurora International!

"Don't worry, there is no problem. You just need to prepare for the filming!"

Yuan Yao really let go of Xia Mingxiu's meaningless look.

She nodded, "Then you drive carefully!"


Xia Mingxiu nodded in response.

Yuan Yao took off the seat belt and was about to open the door, but was pulled by Xia Mingxiu and approached her with a smile on her lips.

Looking at him in this position, Yuan Yao blushed, "How can you be like you..."

"You have to take the initiative in such things in the future!"

Yuan Yao blushed so shyly that she was embarrassed to look at Xia Mingxiu.

Although more shy things have been done, some things are even more difficult to follow in certain atmospheres.

She really feels a bit unable to do such an intimate act!

"Huh? Do you want me to come by myself?" Xia Mingxiu followed, and wanted to come to kiss Yuan Yao's lips.

Yuan Yao glared at him shyly when she hid, "I was really defeated by your cheeky!"

Before she finished her words, she leaned forward and snorted on Xia Mingxiu's side face, and then quickly opened the door of the car. She was about to jump down, but was held by Xia Mingxiu again!

"What are you doing again?"

Xia Mingxiu smiled, still in the same position, Yuan Yao glared at him, "I have kissed just now!"

Xia Mingxiu smiled, raised his hand, and took out a folding umbrella from behind.

Yuan Yao widened her eyes and looked at the transparent folding umbrella in front of her, her face was ashamed and angry!

He looked up and gave Xia Mingxiu a fierce look!

"You fool me again!"

Xia Mingxiu was innocent, "Where did I fool you?"

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