Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1806: provocative

Xia Mingxiu was innocent, "Where did I fool you?"


The posture he had just now was actually helping her hold an umbrella, not asking for a kiss!

And she thought...

Where did she fool her?

What did she say about the exit? !

He grabbed the umbrella in Xia Mingxiu's hand, opened the door, opened the umbrella, and saw that he was about to go out, but was once again held by Xia Mingxiu!

"What are you doing?!" Yuan Yao is in a bad mood now!

Xia Mingxiu leaned close to her and kissed her on the cheek!

"good night!"

Yuan Yao pouted, grunted, and got out of the car!

Xia Mingxiu put down the car glass, smiled and watched Yuan Yao walking aggressively to the entrance of the villa under the umbrella, then turned around, looked at him, and waved at her angrily.

"Go, go!"

Xia Mingxiu shook his head helplessly, dropped the front of the car, and then slowly left.

Yuan Yao watched the car gradually disappear into the rain curtain, only a few sweet smiles appeared on her face.

After that, he put away the umbrella and walked into the villa.

The servant greeted her and asked if she had dinner. Yuan Yao nodded and said that she had eaten. He glanced at the villa and asked where Mu Yan had gone. The servant told Wen Muyan that she had left since she left in the afternoon. .

Yuan Yao's heart was a little low. After all, he had almost always lived under one roof before, and the two of them respected each other as guests, which was actually quite good.

But now, in the end, he still won't be too close to himself like before,

Yes, this is not a foreign country after all, and they are indeed not suitable to live together now.

Xia Mingxiu will definitely mind!

Thinking of Xia Mingxiu's caring appearance, Yuan Yao's heart suddenly felt sweet.

Hugging SpongeBob on the bed, and rushed onto the bed.



The next day, Xia Mingxiu arrived at Pei Anzhi's house early.

Two handsome and cute little guys are sitting at the dining table eating breakfast prepared by Ye Susu, while Ye Susu sits opposite, resting her cheeks in her hands, looking excitedly at the two little people on the opposite side eating as she personally cooks Breakfast, eat with relish.

Yuan Wenqian was really uncomfortable being seen by Ye Susu. He looked at Pei Anzhi, who had darkened early in the morning, and a sly smirk flashed in his big eyes.

He took a bite of the fried egg and smiled and said to Ye Susu: "Aunt Ye, your breakfast is delicious! Can I have it every day in the future?"

When Ye Susu heard this, he nodded quickly, "Of course you can! You and Yunze together, I can do it for you every day!"

Pei Anzhi's face turned darker, his hand holding a knife and fork was tightly clenched, a pair of long and narrow eyes narrowed tightly, and he looked at Yuan Wenqian who was opposite, but saw that he was facing triumphantly. Laugh yourself.

Pei Anzhi's eyes narrowed again and raised his eyebrows, knowing that this little guy was deliberately angering him, and the anger in his heart rose even more.

This ungrateful little thing!

Yuan Wenqian saw this look of Pei Anzhi, the young heart was so happy to fly.

Finally found a way to deflate this cunning man.

Before he racked his brains to find his weaknesses, now it seems—

There is nowhere to be found after breaking through the iron shoes.

Yes, look at him being forced to learn a word again.

"Thank you Auntie Ye!"

"No thanks! If you want to eat in the future, just tell Aunt Ye!"


Yuan Wenqian answered obediently, casting a provocative look at Pei An.

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