Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1827: Weird eyes

"I'm talking about his temperament, temperament, and sometimes small expressions, very cute..."

Although the two people hid behind Grandpa's sofa, their affectionate behavior attracted the attention of everyone in the room.

After all, Pei Anzhi is the most eye-catching existence forever.

Having always been indifferent to outsiders, walking very close to others is an incredible thing.

Now, I saw that he could bite his ears with a woman in the public.

Ye Susu has always maintained a sense of proportion in front of her elders, and she rarely "shows her affection" with Pei Anzhi at home, so now the small movements between her and Pei Anzhi have become a kind of consternation in the eyes of the people around them.

Although Luo Qing was also a little surprised, she quickly reacted. It was not that she didn’t know that the two of them were loving and loving. It was just that the time at home had been short in recent years. Seeing them two like this, she felt awkward to her son. The personality impression is quite deep, I just didn’t react for a while,


Luo Qing glanced at Ye Susu, with a smile in his eyes, but in Ye Susu's eyes, the smile felt weird, and Li's eyes were similar when she was just outside the house.

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Luo Qing suspiciously.

Luo Qing did not look at her again.

Speaking of being surprised at Pei Anzhi, Xia Mu was the first to bear the brunt.

Don't blame her for making a fuss.

The child An Zhi was also the one she watched to grow up. He had a cold and arrogant temperament on his body, not to mention the cleanliness, but it was more serious than her son Xia Mingxiu.

When he was young, almost no one could get close to him except a few playmates who were often together.

As we get older and older, this hygienic disorder always feels more and more serious.

The problem that all the elders were worried about, as a result, the old man Pei waved his hand to force a marriage and settled the marriage of the child Anzhi.

Worthy of being an old man!

However, after two years of marriage, there have always been rumors of this and that, and there is no good news. They are not surprised.

After all, it was a marriage, and An Zhi had such a cold temper. No one was optimistic about this marriage.

But who would have thought that nowadays, two people have such a big child, not to mention how many years they have been married, and the relationship is still so good.

If his son can also find a stable woman, they will be completely relieved.

Glancing at the little grandson next to her, she still smiled in relief, Mingxiu's girl who was able to approach, might be special to Mingxiu.

At the beginning, she had even thought of Mingxiu looking for a male daughter-in-law to go home. If she finally brought a woman back to her, even if that woman was like a flower, she would be happy.

Thinking of this, my heart became cheerful again.

Looking at Ye Susu with a smile, he said, "The relationship between the two people is really good. I even squeezed a sweat for you. After all, you and An Zhi..."

"Cough..." Father Xia coughed twice again, Mother Xia's eyes flashed, Shengsheng stopped talking halfway, and then wittyly turned the front of the conversation and said:

"You two are classmates, right? An Zhi's temperament, I guess you know best..."

Of course Ye Susu knew what Xia Mu just wanted to say, but now she felt that it didn't matter anymore, and there was nothing more important than before her eyes.

Ye Susu just smiled and nodded in response to Xia Mu's words.

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