Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1828: Feelings will run out with time

Ye Susu just smiled and nodded in response to Xia Mu's words.

Looking at Pei Anzhi, he said, "Well, it's clear! I'm so sad!"

Xia Mu paused, then laughed, and quickly responded, "Yes, it's really sad..."

Father Pei snorted, "Get used to it!"

There was a burst of laughter in the entire living room, Ye Susu looked at Pei An's face and smiled and fell into his arms.

Pei Anzhi glanced at her sideways, and secretly squeezed her hand around her waist.

Ye Susu shrank, the smile on her face narrowed.

This warning was very useful to her.

The legs are still soft...

Liang Luo stood aside quietly, not contaminated by the atmosphere in the living room.

How could she be happy?

After five years, she originally thought that time can always polish their feelings.

In fact, this is the case, even if it is married first and then fall in love, love has a shelf life, and it will always expire one day.


In five years, is there no gap between two people?

The laughter in the living room continued, but Liang Luo put on a smile and walked in from near the door.

All the people, except Ye Susu and Pei Anzhi, were two by two. Several elders were sitting, so when Liang Luo walked in, people's eyes naturally fell on her.

Liangluo is beautiful, as a child.

This is a fact recognized by everyone except Yuan Wenqian, Liangliang and Ye Susu in the entire living room.

Liangluo is beautiful, it has been five years ago.

This is a fact that Ye Susu has to admit.

And now, even more so! It's so beautiful.

This is a fact that everyone defaults.

Time will always change a person, and he has survived the setback five years ago, just like a phoenix bird rebirth from the fire.

With her appearance, even Ye Susu couldn't help but cast his eyes on her.

Having faded away from the former dude and pet, the temperament exuded from her body is for everyone to surrender.

She seems to be the darling of God by nature, and the calamity she has experienced has become more dazzling.

Elegant and refined facial features, slender and bumpy figure, such as creamy white skin, not like a little girl's well-behaved, with a mature and gentle temperament, all attracting attention.

At this moment, under everyone's eyes, she didn't feel a little nervous and twisted. Instead, she smiled more gently and generously, and naturally sat next to Pei's mother.

Mother Pei smiled and looked at her, as if thinking of something, she raised her head and glanced at Ye Susu.

Ye Susu still had a faint smile on her face, but if she looked carefully, her smile would not reach the bottom of her eyes.

Mother Xia's eyebrows wrinkled insignificantly, deep in her eyes there was extreme dissatisfaction,

Is it because as a woman, she is naturally disgusted with beautiful women?

But Ye Susu's body, appearance, and temperament were no worse than her!

Why did she look at Ye Susubi and look pleasing to her?

What's more, she grew up looking at her!

When I was young, I didn't see her as much as I do now!

Mostly, it may have been affected by the incident five years ago.

Vicious-hearted girl.

She almost killed Susu's child back then, and now she is so generous in her family's sense of existence. Who gives her confidence?

He glanced at Luo Qing, but saw that Luo Qing didn't have any unpleasant expressions on his face, but as before, he still treated Liang Luo as his own daughter.

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