Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1922: Go to the room and wait for me

If it wasn't that the location was really inappropriate, he could really do her on the spot.

Speaking of it, I didn't think of this aspect just now. Why did you lose your sense when you saw her and approached her? !

Seeing Ye Susu's look that he couldn't wait to worry about everything, he finally sighed.

Reached out and brought her into his arms again, lowered his head close to her, raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice: "2006, my special suite, do you know? Go there to find me later!"

Ye Susu's face turned red again.

Pei Anzhi has her own exclusive room in each hotel under Pei's. She has helped take care of it before, and she personally arranges everything in each room.

Only recently, the number of times he stayed in hotels has obviously decreased a lot.

Now I suddenly mentioned it, and then look at the smirk that Pei Anzhi looks at her with obvious teasing, so obvious meaning, I feel ashamed, and it is understandable.

The most important thing is, if Pei Anzhi knows that she is actually looking forward to it now, will she be tossed to death by him in a while...

Following Pei Anzhi's back, Ye Susu was unsure all the way, thinking of the question just now, he suddenly pressed his hot cheek with the back of his hand.

Make an appointment to do something, it feels like...

It's a little hard to explain.

Back in the banquet hall, Pei Anzhi had long since disappeared.

Ye Susu bit his lip, knowing that he would definitely not participate in the next activities, and greeted the person who greeted him with a few words, and then walked towards the exit with his skirt.

To be honest, I am very concerned about things like Pei Anzhi sneaking out to open a room at this time, so when I plan to sneak away, I can't help but observe the expressions of people looking at her with a guilty conscience.

I was afraid that others would see something, but after another thought, An Zhi was her husband. She opened a room with her husband. There was a guilty conscience because she was not trying to cheat other men.

Thinking of this, Ye Susu simply let go, turned his head and walked toward the exit, but at the moment of turning back, he almost hit someone else.

She stepped back two steps in time, fixed her gaze to look forward, and frowned slightly. The man in front of her was not unfamiliar, but he was definitely not familiar.

"Hello, Mrs. Pei!"

Bai Hao smiled, looked at Ye Susu, and said very polite things, but Ye Susu only saw the cynical temperament and frivolity of him.

To Bai Hao, he had no good feelings for no reason.

However, since Xia Mingxiu can keep him as the vice president of Aurora, it is enough to prove that this man may play an indispensable role for Xia Mingxiu.

She tried her best to suppress the disgust in her heart, curled her lips slightly, and looked a little confused: "Vice President Bai of Aurora?"

Bai Hao smiled and nodded, "It's rare that Mrs. Pei remembers me!"

"It should be."

Leaf Susu is combined.

Bai Hao stretched out his hand to stop the waiter who happened to pass by. The waiter stopped and handed Ye Susu and Bai Hao two glasses of wine respectfully.

Ye Susu hesitated but didn't answer, but looked at Bai Hao, smiled and asked, "I wonder if Vice President Bai has anything to do with me?"

Seeing Ye Susu's strong defensiveness not to pick up the wine glass, Bai Hao smiled at the corners of his lips, raised his head and took a sip. Under the cover of the cup, his brows were raised imperceptibly, and a dark glow flashed in his eyes.

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