Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1923: Disgusted person

Seeing Ye Susu's defensive intention not to pick up the wine glass, Bai Hao smiled at the corners of his lips, raised his head and took a sip. Under the cover of the cup, his brows were raised imperceptibly, and a dark glow flashed in his eyes.

"Speaking of which, I really have one thing I want to report to Mrs. Pei!"

Ye Susu's delicate eyebrows were also drunk.

"It's about the little son!"

The Ye Susu reaction was obvious this time, frowning at Bai Hao.

"I don't know where my son offended Vice President Bai?"

Bai Hao gently shook the wine glass in his hand and raised it towards Ye Susu.

Ye Susu tightened her lips, took the wine glass in the waiter's hand, and touched the glass at Bai Hao in a perfunctory manner, then raised her head and took a sip.

How Bai Hao is like is no longer a secret in the whole of Kyoto. He himself has "broken the pot" and never concealed his own "bad habits" in certain areas.

This kind of casually playing with emotions, no, men who play with women are naturally the type of person Ye Susu hates most.

However, when did the couple have contact with him?

Bai Hao smiled satisfied when he saw Ye Susu's compromise.

"The courage of the little son is really impressive! To my surprise, the little son is only a five-year-old child..."

If you put it before, Ye Susu could still treat Bai Hao's words as a joke, and laughed off.

But since the last time, she had seen the behavior of the couple in the old house with her own eyes, and it was enough to bring her too much shock.

So now, Bai Hao said these things, she believed.

If I believe it, I feel even more worried.

The paired character is very easy to bring unnecessary trouble to himself, or even more serious problems.

But Bai Hao, what specific methods this person would have, she didn't know.

But for so many years, with such a bad reputation and character, he is still in the entertainment circle and became Xia Mingxiu's most powerful helper. It can be seen how many shameful means he has in his hands!

If possible, she really didn't want to have any head-on conflict with Bai Hao.

"So what? When did he offend Vice President Bai?"

Ye Susu's tone was a little anxious, and she could not restrain herself with regard to the couples.

Bai Hao shook his head, "Offending is not counted as..."

Ye Susu's beautiful eyes have a very subtle impatience,

Bai Hao didn't notice, and continued: "Ms. Pei didn't know the interrupted press conference last time, right?"

Ye Susu froze for a moment, and realized that what Bai Hao said should be the last press conference of the role positioning of "Upper".

Wen Qian made a big fuss at the press conference alone, and finally the role positioning was terminated.

At that time, she and Xia Mingxiu went to find Yuan Yao and Xia Mingxiu, only Wen Qian and two were at home.

Since Wen Qian has gone to the press conference, two by two...

Definitely went too!

Thinking of this, Ye Susu pursed her lips.

The face isn't pretty, but it's not particularly angry.

If it weren't for Wen Qian's presence, the role of the press conference would have been fixed, and Yuan Yao would be in trouble if he wanted to pick up the show.

They were able to accept Wen Qian's actions, but now they can't blame them for making mistakes.

If they are at the press conference in pairs, the chance of meeting Bai Hao will be great.

Yuan Yao and Xia Mingxiu couldn't make it to the scene in an accident, but Bai Hao took advantage of this gap and put Ensisi on top. He had bad intentions, but anyone with a brain would understand the truth.

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