The agent couldn't help but shook his head helplessly.

Naturally, she is the person who is the least willing to let Yuan Yao be late, but she can drive a car, but she is not good at repairing cars.

"Well, I'll call the assistant and ask him to drive over to see you. You go to the villa first. This car..."

The agent sighed, "I will contact the insurance company again, I guess it won't be soon...",

Yuan Yao can only nod her head. Now, this is the best way.

The agent called the assistant and asked the assistant to drive over as soon as possible. After hanging up the phone, she sighed again, holding the phone and turning to Yuan Yao and said:

"The assistant will come over in a while, still takes more than an hour to get here...being late is a must..."

Yuan Yao let out a sigh of relief, "Well, that's all."

You can see Yuan Yao's frustration, and Selina feels guilty.

"No way, honey, I don't want to be like this either..."

"I know, there is no other way."

Yuan Yao also sighed and leaned against the car door in frustration, waiting dryly for the assistant to drive the car over.

"My dear, you sit in the car first, isn't it hot?"

Although it is autumn, it’s not good to be directly exposed to the sun.

Yuan Yao felt that the temperature was just right. Although the sun was dazzling, the temperature was not so strong. It felt warm and comfortable when hitting her body.

In addition to the golden wheat field and the smell in front of me, it is natural and fresh, and the breeze caresses my body with a slight heat.

Although she was very anxious, Yuan Yao could only let herself calm down in the face of the beauty in front of her.

A black Bentley came out of the city, slowly driving towards here,

The driver had been with Xia Mingxiu for a long time, and he knew a little bit about the unusual between Xia Mingxiu and Yuan Yao.

Xia Mingxiu was busy until early in the morning last night. When she knew that Yuan Yao had been going to the castle villa with her agent in the morning, her heart settled down and followed closely.

After a night of exhaustion, discussing with the company’s public relations department on how to retain Yuan Yao’s positive image will not only have no negative impact, but it will even change people’s attitudes towards Yuan Yao, thereby gaining a deeper understanding of Yuan Yao itself and even more Pay attention to Yuan Yao's countermeasures.

Although some celebrities do need hype, or even negative hype to brush their presence, there are indeed a few successful representatives of celebrities who have been rectified by whitewashing.

But for Yuan Yao, Xia Mingxiu never considered this.

That kind of hype brings not only popularity, negative popularity, but also a great offensive to the celebrity. If you don't pay attention, the celebrity will be defeated by public opinion, which is very detrimental to your mental health.

Xia Mingxiu didn't want Yuan Yao to bear this. He wanted her to get the respect and aura that an actor deserves. She looks carefree, but her mind is very delicate, which will be more easily affected.

Sometimes growing up in public opinion is not a bad thing, but Yuan Yao can't.

With him, how could she bear this.

Now relax, he is sitting in the back at the moment, leaning on the back of the car seat and closing his eyes to rest.

Seeing the car parked in front, the driver didn't care much at first, but as the car got closer and closer, when the driver inadvertently saw the woman leaning on the car, the speed gradually slowed down.

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