Seeing the car parked in front, the driver didn't care much at first, but as the car got closer and closer, when the driver inadvertently saw the woman leaning on the car, the speed gradually slowed down.

"Mr. Xia, it seems to be Miss Yuan..."

President Xia was here for Miss Yuan, but now he ran into him halfway, to remind him that it was the top priority.

Xia Mingxiu slowly opened his eyes when he heard the words.

The driver glanced forward, and finally said with certainty: "Ms. Xia, it is really Miss Yuan."

Xia Mingxiu turned her head and looked outside, and saw Yuan Yao leaning on the car door, tilting her head up, rarely quietly looking at the wheat field not far away, while her agent kept chatting on the sidelines. phone.

"... President Xia, Miss Yuan seems to have a problem with her car."

In the face of Xia Mingxiu's silence, the driver became a little unsure. The two live broadcasts yesterday were a sensation in the city today.

He naturally also watched. Miss Yuan’s behavior in the video was enough to subvert her impression in the minds of fans, but Mr. Xia, who had been busy since last night, naturally minimized the negative impact on Miss Yuan from the beginning.

In fact, Miss Yuan’s problem in the company is not very serious.

But yesterday in the video, the atmosphere between the two people obviously started to be wrong, but the situation was very chaotic and no one noticed. Perhaps, no one wanted Xia Zonghui and Yuanyinghou to be together.

But he knows, now when President Xia sees Miss Yuan is in trouble, he hasn't said anything, which is really worrying.

Between two people, there won't be any problems again.

Xia Mingxiu was angry. Yuan Yao shut him out last night, and the irritating words that he said flashed through his mind. In addition to the exhaustion of last night, the current mood is really not too great. it is good.

However, the dark eyes stared at Yuan Yao's figure and never recovered.

Seeing that the car was about to miss, the driver reminded him nervously, "Mr. Xia..."

Xia Mingxiu's dark eyes flowed, and he glanced at the driver coldly.

The driver had a heartbreak, and he could not help but step on the accelerator.


Xia Mingxiu suddenly said in a cold voice, Bentley stopped instantly.

At this time, he had already rushed out quite a bit. After the body was stabilized, the driver slowly backed the car.

Because the car stopped too suddenly, the agent called on the side of the road and first noticed Xia Ming's car.

When Yuan Yao reacted and turned around, she just saw a black Bentley parked slowly beside her.

She glanced at the license plate number subconsciously, her brows frowned.

The door of the driver's seat was opened, and the driver walked to Yuan Yao's side and said with a polite smile:

"Miss Yuan, are you going to the castle villa too?"

Yuan Yao nodded.

The driver smiled again: "Then please get in the car, we happen to be going there too!"

Yuan Yao looked at the blurry figure in the car through the glass, her face getting colder and colder.

"No need! Pick up my car in a while! Thank you for being so kind."

Yuan Yao said, staring at the window glass in the first sentence, and facing the driver in the second sentence.

The tone of the front and back is also quite different, and all the credit for stopping her to drive her is credited to the driver alone.

Xia Mingxiu sat in the back seat of the car, lowered his head, and gently kneaded the center of his eyebrows with his slender fingers. After listening to Yuan Yao's words, the reddish eyebrows became tighter.

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