Yuan Yao tried to sit as close to the car window as possible, not caring about Xia Mingxiu, let alone paying attention to him.

The driver started the car, looked behind through the rearview mirror, and smiled slightly.

Yuan Yao sat there holding her bag quietly, there was a warm touch under her buttocks.

She was just outside the car, and she vaguely saw Xia Mingxiu's figure as if sitting in her current position...

He just gave himself a place.

She glanced faintly at Xia Mingxiu from the corner of her eyes, and saw that he was leaning on the back of the car seat with his eyes closed, his eyebrows furrowed, and a little deep red on it.

Yuan Yao's heart moved, her lips were pursed, and she wanted to speak to him, but she still didn't say anything, and stubbornly turned her face to the side.

The carriage was quiet for a while, Xia Mingxiu slowly opened his eyes and glanced at Yuan Yao slantingly. Seeing her sideways looking out the window, her small face could only be seen in profile, but it was delicate and beautiful.

The red lips were pressed tightly, but they were pursing slightly, obviously still in anger.

He thought about it last night, except for a little friction with Yuan Yao about Ensisi, he really didn't offend her anywhere.

But at that time, where was he worried about Ensisi, what on earth was in this woman's mind sometimes?

It's okay to be angry, but he can't find a reason.

The car drove forward quietly. In the silent carriage, except for the very slight breathing and the sound of wind, there was no more sound.

Until Yuan Yao's stomach heard a long "cuckoo" sound.

Yuan Yao hurriedly clutched her belly, flushed with shame, and subconsciously glanced at Xia Mingxiu who was on the side. Xia Mingxiu was really already looking at her.

"Look... what do you see?"

Xia Mingxiu's faint gaze traversed her stomach from her face, and finally fell on the bag in her arms.

Yuan Yao couldn't help holding the bag in her arms tightly, for fear that Xia Mingxiu might **** it.

"How long is it to the villa?"

Xia Mingxiu spoke suddenly, speaking to the driver in front.

The voice was low, with an obvious husky.

Yuan Yao glanced at him again, her delicate brows slightly closed.

"There is still about an hour," the driver replied.

"En." Xia Mingxiu replied indifferently, and said nothing.

Yuan Yao glanced at him suspiciously, and saw that he started closing his eyes to rest again.

She curled her mouth and glanced at the bright red between his eyebrows, her eyes flickered, and she quietly moved away from him a few inches, she was close to the car door, looking at the scenery passing by the window, thinking about Xia Mingxiu's question just now. The driver's problem.

There was actually an hour left, she was so far away, she would really starve her there.

The belly was still gurgling, she swallowed, turned her head and looked at Xia Mingxiu, gently unzipped the zipper of the bag in her arms, and took out an exquisite transparent box with the pulp carefully prepared for her by the agent Crispy Melaleuca.

Vaguely visible each layer of different fruit pulp, strawberry, dragon fruit, kiwi fruit, yellow peach, etc., colorful, exuding a sweet taste, made Yuan Yao's sip of water fiercely, picking up a piece, without hesitation Just took a big bite.

The crispy crust made a sound of "sizzling", Yuan Yao's face was contented, the more he ate, the sweeter he was, and the more he ate, the more hungry he was. One bite was bigger than one bite.

Xia Mingxiu leaned sideways and looked at Yuan Yao's gorging appearance, there was a little bit of light in her tired black eyes.

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