Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2017: Don't mess with me

Xia Mingxiu leaned sideways, looking at Yuan Yao's gorging appearance, there was a little bit of light in her tired black eyes.

This woman, in order not to be late for work, did not even have time to eat breakfast, she was stubborn, but because she was afraid of being late, she had to get in his car.

Duplicate woman.

Why don't you think about what she said last night?

She always knew how she was angry with him.

I know specifically to **** him off.

Yuan Yao ate eagerly, and the phone in her bag rang suddenly.

She was taken aback, anxiously trying to swallow the cake in her mouth, but because of the eagerness to eat, she choked.

"Um... ahem..."

She blushed instantly, stroking her neck while still reaching into her bag to get her phone.

Xia Mingxiu frowned, stood up and took out a bottle of mineral water from the small refrigerator on the side and handed it to Yuan Yao. He hung up the phone in her hand and threw it aside.

"When is it all, I have to pick up my mobile phone!"

Yuan Yao still glared at him when the phone was stolen.

A face is flushed,

Xia Mingxiu had no choice but to unscrew the bottle cap himself, grabbed Yuan Yao's shoulder, and poured water into Yuan Yao himself.

Yuan Yao was almost forced to pour a few sips of water, the whole talent gradually calmed down, and his face looked much better.

She exhaled heavily and stroked her chest.

"Done yet?"

Xia Mingxiu's deep voice sounded, and Yuan Yao nodded subconsciously.

Later, he seemed to have thought of something, turned his head to look at Xia Mingxiu, and moved his **** to the side.

Xia Mingxiu glanced at her and said lightly: "Since I'm in my car, what are you still stubborn?"

"One code is one code. This is my job. As an excellent actor, I will never vent my personal emotions to work. A matter of principle."

Xia Mingxiu sneered, "A matter of principle?"

Yuan Yao clearly heard that he was laughing at her.

I was very angry, but I didn't want to talk to him any more, and a quarrel would only make myself more angry.

"Take a ride with you today, I don't care about you! You don't mess with me either! We are all quiet."

Yuan Yao said, closing the box containing the pastries, putting it back in the bag, turning his back to Xia Mingxiu, leaning on the back of the chair, and resting with his eyes closed.

After Xia Mingxiu left last night, she was almost mad that she could still sleep.

I couldn’t get up and watch the news. Aurora International officials issued several declarations and explanations about her every once in a while, as well as various articles. She watched the evaluation of her on the Internet gradually improved, and she couldn’t tell. taste.

After observing for almost overnight, the man who said he would save Ensisi at all costs, in the end, there was only one official clause about Ensisi, and that was an announcement.

Ensisi seriously breached the contract and Aurora International will permanently sever cooperation.

A duplicity man knows to **** him off with that mouth.

She didn't believe it was Xia Mingxiu's handwriting at first, but only when she heard the driver say that he was busy all night last night, she was willing to believe that Xia Mingxiu actually participated in everything last night.

In fact, thinking about it carefully, she is not angry.

Sometimes even she herself feels quite hateful.

Every time after she got angry with Xia Mingxiu, after she calmed down, she didn't know why she was so angry at the beginning, but when she was angry, she could still be angry with him.

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