Every time after she got angry with Xia Mingxiu, after she calmed down, she didn't know why she was so angry at the beginning, but when she was angry, she could still be angry with him.

Even if he has that ability, he can't blame anyone,

Anyway, even if she wasn't angry, she couldn't take the initiative to compromise with him.

I went to bed late last night. At this moment, Yuan Yao adjusted her posture, leaning on the back of her chair and fell asleep in a daze.

Xia Mingxiu pursed his lips and didn't bother her. He also softened his eyebrows and closed his eyes.

The car drove all the way toward deeper and deeper mountains. In less than an hour, the car finally reached its destination.

"Manager Xia..."

The driver turned to say hello to Xia Mingxiu, but was stopped by Xia Mingxiu's hand.

The driver glanced at Yuan Yao, who was sleeping soundly on the side, and whispered, "Then I will go and say hello to Mr. Chen."

Xia Mingxiu nodded, and the driver got off the car lightly and walked two steps before turning into a path of phoenix trees and walking deeper.

The towering castle villa is looming in the woods.

Xia Mingxiu looked sideways at Yuan Yao who was sleeping, she seemed to be really tired, her small face was flushed with sleep, her long eyelashes quivered, and there was a hint of blue under her eyes, and her rosy lips were soft and tender. Then, the whole person was quiet, calm and beautiful.

Xia Mingxiu gently stretched out her hand, holding Yuan Yao’s head, gently placing her on her knees,

She was really exhausted, her eyelashes trembled slightly, her eyes opened a gap because of the movement, and she looked at Xia Mingxiu, curled her lips in a daze, showing a delicate smile.

Maybe it's sleepy.

Xia Mingxiu licked her lips and smiled. He couldn't help but lowered his head and gave a soft kiss to her fresh and drenching lips. Yuan Yao pouted her lips to meet his thin lips. After that, the head resting on his legs turned towards Xia Mingxiu's arms arched.

It seems that I really fell asleep.

The exhaustion on Xia Mingxiujun's face seemed to dissipate a lot. The big palm lightly stroked the long hair on Yuan Yao's head, lowered his head and looked at Yuan Yao's sleeping face tenderly, his face was full of joy.

He can't be unhappy,

This woman who had been fighting with him just now was obviously deliberate.

The temper comes quickly and goes quickly.

In the end, he couldn't find the next step.

In fact, the anger in my heart may have disappeared long ago.

Otherwise, how could he be allowed to get close to her at this time?

Yuan Yao slept very solidly, feeling dazedly lying in Xia Mingxiu's arms, smelling his breath, feeling the temperature of his body, and feeling at ease in her heart.

Feeling, there is a feeling that the more you sleep, the heavier you are.

However, I felt that time had not passed long, and a string of cell phone bells suddenly sounded in the silent carriage.

Compared to the silence before, the ringtone of the mobile phone at the moment is simply extraordinarily harsh.

Yuan Yao suddenly got excited and sat up straight.

Looking left and right to find the origin of the sound.

Xia Mingxiu's face was cold, and in a blink of an eye he saw Yuan Yao's cell phone, which he had just snatched over, shaking and ringing again.

He just stretched out his hand to get it, but Yuan Yao quickly picked up the phone and clicked on Connect.


"What were you doing just now?" There was a faint and immature voice on the phone, which didn't sound very happy.

The car was quiet, and Xia Mingxiu could clearly hear Yuan Yao's voice on the phone.

"Oh, Wen Qian, I... I was sleeping just now!"

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