Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2029: Irritability

Yuan Yao returned to the orchard all the way from the front yard.

After avoiding the crowd, he almost trot to the deepest part of the orchard.

It was not until he reached the deepest point that Yuan Yao held a persimmon tree to a halt, gasping for breath, his eyes were red, and tears had already slipped down.

She is really not qualified to cry, but she just doesn't know why.

It was her who did the wrong thing, and it was her who played the temper. In the end, it was Xia Mingxiu who compromised with her.

She made him so tired,

What qualifications does she have to cry.

But why didn't he tell her.

Tell her that she understands and will not be so unreasonable.

It will not be like now, knowing the reason, wanting to make up but not being able to make up, can only be endless self-blame here.

Yuan Yao leaned against the tree trunk, sighed heavily, wiped away the tears on her face, bit her lip, and released the sadness in her heart infinitely. She stared at the persimmon tree in front of her in a daze.


In the side hall next to the castle villa, the entire room is decorated in antique style, with furniture made of old wood, and the room is full of antique fragrance and tea scent from famous wood.

Chen Gui tea sets can be seen everywhere, and in the corner on the side, there is also a guzheng, which is in harmony with the whole antique and elegant room.

Near the window sill, there is a not-so-large root-carved tea table and wooden chair. On the tea table is a wooden carved tea tray with a set of purple sand tea sets.

A pair of hands covered with the traces of the years moved unhurriedly on it, exquisite, skilled, and extremely calm.

It was an old man, dressed in a black conservative Chinese tunic suit, with his waist straight and flat shoulders, and his neat hair was gray, but he did not deliberately modify his face. His face was also covered with the traces of the years, but he looked spiritual , A pair of eyes are deep and bright.

Every movement of the old man is as slow as a machine, and every movement of raising and lowering his hand is almost the same, and the time is almost half a second.

After all the procedures went through, only two small cups of tea remained.

Xia Mingxiu, who was sitting opposite, had obviously lost patience.

The tea pavilion they were in, through the window beside them, was the orchard in the backyard.

When Yuan Yao accidentally walked to the orchard at first, he saw her.

However, he couldn't get out.

Across a wall of glass, and a long distance away, just looking at Yuan Yao's back, you can see that Yuan Yao's state is not right.

There are too few opportunities for two people to meet. It is hard to meet once, and it can only be like today, when the two of them have common work, they can get together.

After today, there will be a period of time after which I will not meet again easily,

When I thought of this, Xia Mingxiu felt a little bad.

Obviously the person is within his line of sight, but he can't touch it, so how can he be willing.

However, only at this time can she often appear in her sight.

He knew that he shouldn't be so dissatisfied, but in the end, he still asked the old man.

But when I saw Yuan Yao's figure in the blink of an eye, she was gone.

After that, it is now.

The woman who had just disappeared from sight, hurriedly rushed into the orchard.

But the old man on the opposite side has started to make tea again.

I used to think of a good environment, a good atmosphere, and a good tea ceremony experience. I even felt that watching the old man make tea is a kind of precipitation enjoyment, but now, I feel very irritable...

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