Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2030: Nothing to regret

I used to think of a good environment, a good atmosphere, and a good tea ceremony experience. I even felt that watching the old man make tea is a kind of precipitation enjoyment, but now, I feel very irritable...

Everything was disrupted by Yuan Yao's appearance again.

The situation just now is obviously more serious than before.

What's up with her?

What are you thinking about?

"Do you know why many people prefer the tea ceremony at my age?"

The old man who had not had any expression on the other side suddenly spoke.

Xia Mingxiu pursed his lips and closed his gaze from the window. His gaze fell on the old man's continuous tea-making movement. All the tea-making steps were the most natural.

At this moment, the old man held the iron chopsticks in his hand and put the bamboo charcoal in the small charcoal stove aside, his movements were still not slow.

"When I was young, I only cared about being energetic, exaggerated, irritable, irritable, arguing, snatching, reconciled, reluctant to lose, doing too many things to miss, regretting, hating, annoying, but never I have never thought about stopping and letting myself settle in a deeper level. So you have time now, and you have experienced enough. What you need to do now is how to digest the past..."

Xia Mingxiu said so.

This was the last time, and this time, what he learned from only two meetings with the old man. He knew that the tea ceremony has its own "truth".

Since ancient times, everyone's opinions on tea ceremony have been that the benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees wisdom. He doesn't understand this aspect and can't give him a clear answer.

The old man on the opposite side paused slightly after hearing Xia Mingxiu's words, and then chuckled lightly.

"You're right..." He continued to smile, and continued with the actions in his hands. "What you just said, all, all... have lived a lifetime, and now at this age, it is reasonable to use the last Time to do some meaningful things, substantive things."

"However, I spend all my time on this. Perhaps only in this way can I feel that time passes slowly, and then slowly think about many things, thinking about my own life, and thinking about my own achievements in this life. How much energy is gained, what is left out..."

"Only then will I carefully think over and over again, what is the lighter and the more important thing that I got, and what I gave up for the sake of getting it? Then, the conclusion I reached made me panic and fearful. He overturned this conclusion with various reasons, and adjusted the overturned conclusion after every deep thought. After several struggles, he finally reached a conclusion. It is still the conclusion that makes people sincere and fearful."

Xia Mingxiu calmed down, staring at the old man with pitch-black eyes, and asked, "Do you regret it?"

The old man chuckled and shook his head, "No regrets."

Xia Mingxiu frowned slightly.

But the old man continued: "The choice between giving and taking was too decisive at the time. When I realized it, there was no room for turning back. I have no right to regret, and I can't regret it."

At this time, the tea has slowly flowed into the tea cup in front of Xia Ming's body, and the hot gas curled up with the tea fragrance, exuding bursts of refreshing breath.

Xia Mingxiu looked down at the pure tea without any impurities in the teacup, his eyes seemed to sink into the teacup.

"The past is different from the present, two lives, two yourself. There is nothing to regret!"

Xia Mingxiu suddenly picked up the teacup, drank the tea regardless of the hot temperature, then put the teacup heavily on the tea table and stood up...

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