Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2031: Anti-training

Xia Mingxiu suddenly picked up the teacup, drank the tea regardless of the hot temperature, then put the teacup heavily on the tea table and stood up...

"Since you abandoned something back then, it means that the things you want accounted for in your measurement. Everyone has a choice, and I seem to know what you abandoned back then. Maybe ours Different experiences, you have reasons to give up, but I don’t! Exaggeration, irritability, unwillingness, reluctance to admit defeat, every emotion, every decision is the right of each of us. Sorry, at this moment, I am just a mortal. , Can’t cultivate one's morality, don’t have, and don’t want to understand and enter that realm!"

"What I want, I must find a way to get it. Everyone is afraid of doing something wrong, and so am I. But I know better what is missing."

Xia Mingxiu paused, his deep eyebrows were slightly narrowed, and fell on the old man's face, and continued: "Just like you in front of you. Everyone who has done something wrong is not qualified to regret it, but must regret it. Said that he is not qualified. Regrettably, I still take "qualification" too much."

"In the end, it's nothing more than—compared to the things that you hadn't hesitated to discard at the beginning, your self-esteem is slightly better.

The old man smiled faintly, picking up the teacup and smelling the scent of tea flowing around his nose.

Even after Xia Mingxiu said "disaccompany", he turned around and left unceremoniously, his expression did not change at all.

Until Xia Mingxiu's long figure was hurriedly walking towards the orchard through the window, the old man slowly drank the tea in the cup.

Gently put the teacup on the tea tray, calm and wise eyes fell on the bright coals in the small stove on the side, and the corners of the slightly hooked lips gradually drooped.

On the contrary, I was trained by a little boy,

"In the end, it's nothing more than—compared to the things that you hadn't hesitated to discard at the beginning, your self-esteem is slightly better.

Xia Mingxiu's words whirled in his ear several times, knocking his already sleeping and numb heart again and again.

Perhaps what the young man said is right.

No, there is a kind of sudden realization after being knocked awake suddenly.

What had been choking in his mind for so many years suddenly understood.

What made him sit and wait until now is that he has been lurking in him for so many years, and he himself has never really touched what he has understood.


Excessive self-esteem creates a person's right and wrong, success and failure.

For the sake of self-esteem and face, he always refused to compromise with himself.

The old man sighed and turned his head again to look at the persimmon forest that was almost invisible. Xia Mingxiu's figure had long been submerged in the fruit forest.

He was a little surprised. For such a young man who seems to be noble and full of infinite pride, his self-esteem should always be the inviolable first choice. How did he see through this?

For the sake of women, I am willing to let go of my strong and inviolable self-esteem, to unconditionally compromise, or even to please...



The old man's eyes moved slightly, and the motion of rubbing the rim of the teacup with his rough fingertips stopped.

What does it matter?

What can you lose if you compromise and please?

There is nothing to lose.

But on the contrary, they will have the opportunity to let you get, get a kind of possession, get a kind of freedom...

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