Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2036: Open the door

Yuan Yao didn't understand, so she was relieved when she thought that she would also yearn for this kind of life.

This should not be a coincidence.

Possibly, the land here is only suitable for growing persimmon trees.

I don't think it's useless to think about it, and I don't know if Xia Mingxiu's talking about spending more time with her is very cryptic. Now she doesn't know anything, turned and walked out of the terrace, looking for the bedroom to take a bath.

After coming out of the shower, Yuan Yao was wearing a bathrobe, holding her damp hair, shaking constantly, then walked to the sofa and sat down.

I picked up the backpack, opened it, and tumbling, took out the pastry box that was not eaten during the day, opened it and smelled it, there was no expression on my face, put it aside, and flipped it for a while before I found my mobile phone. .

Bai Tiantianqian's attitude when she called her was always thinking about,

I always felt that the kid might have something, since he didn't say anything, then she asked Susu secretly now.

With a sigh, Yuan Yao clicked on the phone, thinking of calling Ye Susu, but found that there was a message on her communication software, so she clicked on it.

The news is from Xia Mingxiu,

Simply two words.

"Open the door."

Yuan Yao was stunned, staring at the screen for a long time.

After blinking, his slender fingers quickly tapped on the screen.

"not open."

Soon news came again.


Yuan Yao pursed her lips and smiled, looked towards the door of the closed room, walked to the door with her mobile phone, and sent a message as she walked.

"I want to put an end to all scandals 100% now, so before I finish filming, let's keep our distance temporarily."


Yuan Yao also walked to the door now, looking out through the cat’s eyes,

However, it was discovered that there was no Xia Mingxiu at the door.

She frowned immediately, lowered her head and quickly touched the screen.

"Where are you? Are you kidding me?!"

"At your door."

Seeing the news coming back, Yuan Yao's brows became tighter.

He glanced at the cat's eyes again, gritted his teeth and said in a low voice, "Nonsense", suddenly opened the door of the room.

She thought Xia Mingxiu would hide on the wall at the door, but she looked around and found that she didn’t even have root hair.

"This **** man!"

As soon as Yuan Yao's words fell, the door opposite her room suddenly opened. She was taken aback and looked up and saw Xia Mingxiu wearing a white shirt standing at the door and staring at Yuan Yao for two seconds.

Yuan Yao calmed down, and the words "at the door" that Xia Mingxiu had just said flashed in her mind.

It’s not his person at the door, but even his room is at her door,

It felt like he was playing around again.

Gritting his teeth and glanced at Xia Mingxiu, he backed away, and then he was about to close the door.

Xia Mingxiu squeezed the door at the last moment and squeezed into the room forcibly.

"Why, pay attention to the influence, pay attention to the influence!" Yuan Yao yelled loudly, but the strength in his hand didn't use much.

Xia Mingxiu entered the room, closed the door hard, put her arms around Yuan Yao's waist, and pressed her against the door panel.

"Just say you shouldn't let you know this!"

"I should know best to be more cautious!"

"There is no need to be so cautious!"

Xia Mingxiu's body was attached to Yuan Yao, and Junyi's facial features became larger and larger in front of her eyes. Yuan Yao's eyelashes were trembling lightly, and he could hear Xia Mingxiu's breath, warm and heavy.

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