Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2037: Make up a slap tonight

Xia Mingxiu's body was attached to Yuan Yao, and Junyi's facial features became bigger and bigger in front of her eyes. Yuan Yao's eyelashes were trembling lightly, and he could hear Xia Mingxiu's breath, warm and heavy.

Yuan Yao's intuitive chest was about to jump out.

"But I'm stupid... I have to be foolproof..."

"It's not foolproof for a long time, don't worry, I have a sense of measure this time!"

"But I didn't... well..."

Before Yuan Yao's tight words were finished, Xia Mingxiu's handsome face was pressed down, and her thin lips accurately kissed Yuan Yao's.

Reality gently rubbed a few times, and slightly moved the distance between the two people.

"I thought you should have known it a long time ago, and I won't let you go tonight."

Yuan Yao's face suddenly blushed. Although there was no secret between the two people, Xia Mingxiu's voice was low and mellow, with a charm that she could not resist.

She would be moved by him, by his closeness to her, and by his intimacy.

His uncontrollable desire for her also gave her a strong sense of accomplishment.

Leaning on the door panel with her back, Yuan Yao raised her head, with a little aversion in her eyes.

"You... can't you do something else?"

Xia Mingxiu suddenly pressed her forehead, rubbed her waist, and said in a low voice:

"how many years?"

Yuan Yao couldn't react, "What?"

"You have been away for five years, and the time to come back is not short..."

Yuan Yao nodded, "It's almost two months..."

"But how long have we really been together, and how many times have we been close? You can count it with one palm, eh? Do you think these few times can make up for the gap of more than five years?"

Yuan Yao was embarrassed and angry when he said so bluntly.

"Anything can be counted with one hand, obviously many times..."

Xia Mingxiu slowly squeezed Yuan Yao’s soft hand and put it where his heart was.

The heartbeat there was fast and strong, making Yuan Yao's mind feel like a paste.

Xia Mingxiu was more willing to see Yuan Yao's shy look, so he spoke again and said:

"How many times? The waterfall at night in the north, the time you came to the company to confess to me, and the night in your villa, and...the one last night...Is there any more? Nothing, one Did you count the hands? How many times?"

"Four...four times!"

Yuan Yao said something, shrinking her shoulders, and couldn't help but put a post on the door behind her.

Xia Mingxiu did not give her a chance to escape. He clasped Yuan Yao's head with his hands, and squeezed her back with force, pulling her closer to him.

"I'll make up this slap tonight."

Yuan Yao blushed, and subconsciously raised her head to move back, but the back of her head was once again supported by Xia Mingxiu, and her five powerful fingers penetrated between her soft hair, which was still damp, and her thin lips pressed strongly.

The two thin lips are facing each other, with no gaps in them.

The kiss could not be resisted at all, and it almost sucked the air from her chest with force.

But waves of warm current hit Yuan Yao's body at this time.

She blinked her eyes lightly, and her slightly pursed lips were quickly pried open by his tongue, rushed into her lips and teeth, swept domineering and wanton, and then wrapped and sucked her soft and small tongue.

When the oxygen in Yuan Yao's chest was almost empty, she suddenly remembered to breathe.

The breathing between her nose was rapid and hot, but Xia Mingxiu still didn't let her go...

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