Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 204: Do it for yourself

Sheng Yuchen stood there quietly, listening to Chang Yikuan's words, his black eyes suddenly narrowed dangerously, he looked at Chang Yikuan for a long time, and said coldly:

"It seems that today's negotiations have failed. Would you rather give up the Chang family and push your daughter into my arms?"

"Yu Chen, what is the Chang family? It is not equal to one-tenth of your Sheng family!"

Sheng Yuchen narrowed his eyes and took a deep look at Chang Yikuan.

"It's in vain for you to live so old! Now I am a fire pit to Chang Chu! I owe her, but everything has to be a degree, my patience has long been polished by her! You don't know what Chang Chu is in my eyes now!"

Chang Yikuan frowned and looked up at Sheng Yuchen.

"Chu Chu lost the most important things of a woman because she loved you and your so-called wife lost your child. Even if she did something wrong, you can't be cruel to her based on these two points alone!"

"Huh..." Sheng Yuchen sneered suddenly, staring condescendingly at Chang Yikuan, with deep pupils, full of contempt and sarcasm.

"My child? How to give birth?"


Chang Yikuan was silent for a while, and finally seemed to reflect it. The blood on his face seemed to be taken away all of a sudden, turning pale in an instant.

Sheng Yuchen laughed again, "I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it! Your so-called innocent daughter, there is nothing she can't do..."

"No...Chu Chu, she has been stimulated so much, she won't be easy..."

Chang Yikuan's voice trembled a little, obviously a little hard to accept the facts.

Sheng Yuchen felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, yes, if it weren't for her to show him those photos that day, even he would not believe it.

The man who was almost going crazy back then would actually become like that...

"It doesn't matter if the arms list is not handed in. As you said, I can bear it for three years. I don't mind staying for a few more years. You know, it's a matter of time! As for Chang Chu..."

"Do it yourself!"

Sheng Yuchen left a few words indifferently, and walked out of the ward.

Only Chang Yikuan is still immersed in the unbelievable.


Sheng Yuchen came out of Chang Yikuan's ward, and ordered a few people guarding at the door. When walking through the corridor of the west building, his eyes occasionally crossed the glass in the corridor to see the gloomy weather outside.

Then, his steps gradually slowed down, and finally stood in front of the window.

Because of the recent weight loss, his handsome face is more profound, and his obsidian eyes are drooping at the moment, and he can't see the look inside, but it is not difficult to estimate his sight at the moment through the direction of his bowing head.

Outside the window, downstairs!

A family of three, no, a family of four, came out from the hospital door with smiles.

The little son was thrown into the air by his father, and then caught up again. The child's giggles actually spread from the first floor to the third floor.

The woman next to the man was holding her waist with her hands, her swollen belly was still gestating a life.

The man next to him was teasing the youngest son in his arms, and sometimes turned to look at his wife beside him. When walking down the steps, the wife was very cautious, holding the man's arm with one hand.

The man stretched out his hand to support his wife in a panic, his face was particularly dignified, and he was cautiously reminding something. The wife beside him gave him a strange look, and then punched him by the way.

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