Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 205: Immature voice

The man stretched out his hand to support his wife in a panic, his face was particularly dignified, and he was cautiously reminding something. The wife beside him gave him a strange look, and then punched him by the way.

But the man dodges lightly, but in the end, it seems that he is afraid of something wrong with his wife's fight, and he leaps forward to let his wife's fist fall on him accurately.

In the end, she could only complain to the kid in her arms with a crying face, and the wife beside her with a happy smile, watching her husband play with his son.

The throat was a little sore, the eyelids drooped, and the black eyes flickered slightly!

if not……

He is also a father now.

He and Chuqing's child!

Sheng Yuchen reached into his pocket and wanted to light a cigarette, but the phone rang at this moment.

He paused, gave up the cigarette, and took out the phone instead.

Calls from overseas!

Sheng Yuchen looked at the phone for a long time and connected.

The tone is quite respectful:

"Uncle Li..."

A young child's laughter came from the other end of the phone, and the small, sharp voice came into Sheng Yuchen's ears clearly.

Sheng Yuchen's eyebrows twitched, and an unspeakable weird sentiment appeared in his heart, gently twitching his heartstrings, making him careless.

"Uncle Li, it was just..."

"Yu Chen, I have read the news. Chu Qing is not tossing lightly this time. Don't let her mess up your pace..."

The child's voice was no longer in the microphone, and Li Zhenghua also interrupted him in time.

Sheng Yuchen's eyes darkened, but he still listened intently to Li Zhenghua's words.

"Uncle Li, don't worry, I have just talked to Chang Yikuan, that list will not be easily exposed for the time being. I may still need some time..."

Sheng Yuchen paused, and his dark eyes looked into the distance. The family of four had no shadows. His heart could not hide a period of loss, and then sadness.

"Uncle Li, sorry!"

Li Zhenghua sighed, his tone was full of vicissitudes.

"I have never blamed you. People have fate in their lives. Who has never made a mistake! You have suffered so much for so many years. If it weren't for you to drag the Chang family, our two families are now Really lost! To suffer you, the mess I created with one hand, but you are alone..."

"Uncle Li is serious!"

Li Zhenghua on the other end of the phone sighed and looked back at the little man in the living room who was watching a Disney cartoon. The little man seemed to have noticed him too, and turned his head and waved at him.

Li Zhenghua also waved his hand, his face was full of love.

"Yu Chen, you and Chu Qing..."

Li Zhenghua just spoke a little bit, and did not continue. Sheng Yuchen's expression dimmed a little, but he said firmly:

"I won't let go of Chuqing. It is enough for her to have me alone. I don't worry about others! Uncle Li, I owe her, I must compensate her..."

Sheng Yuchen's tone was a bit agitated, and the sourness between the lines made Li Zhenghua feel unexplainably uncomfortable.

He has never experienced this kind of feeling!

"I know--"

Li Zhenghua said two words heavily, making a sound.

"Thank you Uncle Li!"

Sheng Yuchen felt that he was gaffe after learning about it, so he replied indifferently and hung up the phone.

Li Zhenghua shook the phone, sighed helplessly and shook his head.

He also wanted to explain something to that girl Chuqing, but as soon as she heard Sheng Yuchen's name, she refused to listen to him anymore.

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