Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 2084: As long as you can relieve your breath.

"You lie down first, I will ring the bell to call the doctor to come over and give you the needle again, obediently, I will call my uncle here later, he is worried about being pregnant..."

Liang Luo's eyes were red and swollen, and he nodded calmly.

But he said: "I want to go to the bathroom first!"

Bai Hao nodded and helped her stand up in the middle of the bed. Because of excessive blood loss, her body was still very weak. In addition, she had just lost her head and lost her temper. Now she stood up suddenly, feeling dizzy. , Her body shook involuntarily, and finally Bai Hao took her into her arms.

"Is it all right?"

Liang Luo shook her head, closed her eyes and leaned on Bai Hao for a while, then slowly opened her eyes, and finally straightened up, "I'll go by myself!" She said softly, getting up from Bai Hao's arms. Walked towards the bathroom alone.

Looking at her, Bai Hao walked to the door of the bathroom with some worry, guarded at the door, and left half a step worried.

After Liangluo stayed in the bathroom for a long time, Bai Hao began to panic, for fear that she would do something stupid in it. After hesitating for two seconds, he still knocked on the bathroom door.

"Luo Luo, Luo Luo! Are you alright?"

no respond.

Bai Hao paused, knocking on the door faster.

"Luoluo! Luoluo..."

When Bai Hao almost kicked the bathroom door open, the door was opened from the inside at this moment.

Liang Luo paled and stood at the door, looking at Bai Hao with hatred in his eyes.

Bai Hao was stunned, he couldn't help but took a step forward, reaching out to pull her, "falling..."


As soon as his voice was uttered, Liang Luo slapped her face severely. She didn't have much strength at the moment, but Bai Hao was caught off guard, so the whole face was tilted to one side.

Bai Hao's eyes flashed, turned his head, glanced at the bathroom door, it was clear in his eyes.

He pressed his lips tightly, looked at Liang Luo, and said, "As long as you can relieve your breath, do whatever you want, provided that you don't hurt yourself..."

Liang Luo held his chest tightly with one hand, and his whole body trembled violently.

She turned her back on her face, and there were too many sad things. She just mentioned it, but didn't realize it. Until she calmed down, she went to the bathroom to find out where she was...

Although it was a few days later, it was the first time after all. Under normal circumstances, there was no feeling, but when it was convenient, there would still be discomfort. Although it was small, it was like a basin of cold water and suddenly fell from her head. .

That kind of thing really happened to her and Bai Hao, it really happened!

It was the same thing, but when the reaction from the body confirmed the undeniable fact, Liang Luo collapsed.

She is dirty, really dirty!

She still slipped past Pei Anzhi's figure in her subconscious, and that handsome and indifferent face,

If Brother An knew that something happened to her and other men, what would he think? How would you look at her with contemptuous eyes?

She is dirty, and she is no longer worthy of Brother Ann!

This mentality can't even control Liang Luo himself.

No matter what she did, she always wanted to know Pei Anzhi's thoughts the first time.

Will An Zhi like this dress today?

She thinks dinner tonight is very good, don't know if Brother An likes it?

I have an acne on my face today. Will Brother An hate it?

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